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(Taehyung POV)

When I walked into the club the music was blasting as expected.

I continued to closely follow the man that works there until we stopped at a door in the back of the club. The man knocked on the door two times before a man came to open it just a bit to see our faces.

"Yeah what do you want, do you guys have business here."

The man behind the door said.

"Yeah, I do I'm here to talk to your boss about something very important."

The man behind the door looked at us funny as if he couldn't trust us and squinted his eyes.

"No can do fellas the bos-

I cut him off before he could finish and walk closer to the door.

"Sir I don't think you understand this could mean a very big amount of money being taken away from your business. And I don't think you would want to be the last one to be the case of that."

I smirked as he stood there looking confused.

" fine"

He said as he unlocked the locks from the door and let me in after patting me down for weapons.

They let me in and I sat at a table facing the so-called "boss" He was smoking a cigar and blow the smoke in my face. I smiled as I grabbed the side of my chair tightly to stay calm.

"So you guys just play cards game and sell women for sex," I said sitting back relaxed in my chair.

The man frowned and put his cigar out on the table.

"Yeah and so what if we do it isn't any of your business. Hurry and tell me what you want before I Kick you out of my club."
The man said with an angry face.

I laughed and stood up " sorry but the last time I checked I'm the owner of this club and if you want to live I suggest you walk out this room right now."

The man continued to look confused and angry at the same time I could see his eyes grow bigger.

The man said as he called for his men. But no one came.

" NOW LISTEN HERE YOU STRAY DOG!" I said loudly as I slammed my hand on the table.

" I'm the owner of this club and I don't appreciate the way you've been using it." I took a gun from behind my belt since the guy that " check me" at the door was one of my men pretending to be on his side."

I held it to the man's head and asked him where the money he's been making off of the drugs he's been selling. He pointed over to a closed door and I smiled and thanked him. I told him this would be a warning and I will let him go he started to shuffle to the door as my gun was still aimed at him.

He got to the door and began to open it with him still facing me.

"Hold on I just thought to myself and to be honest I don't like wasting my time on shit like you so to make sure this doesn't happen again."


I shoot you as a warning for others.

I smiled and walked over to the closed door the man pointed to earlier. I shot the lock on the door and opened it. I felt the wall for the light switch and turned it on, the first thing I was trying to do was get a bag to put all the money in but when I turned on the light there was a girl shivering and hiding in the corner of the room.

"Hey what happened."

I said reaching my hand out for her hand.

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