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When jimin came to get Jungkook from the house Jungkook still had tears in his eyes and a heavy cheat. Even though he knew taehyung wasn't good for him the thought of how he's lost everyone he's cared about just to walk out on another.

While jimin was diving the both of them away to jimin's house he couldn't help but glance at Jungkook every once and a while since kookie was still crying. 

Jimin didn't want to make things worse so he wasn't sure if he should say anything, so he decided to wait until it was a better atmosphere or when kookie decided to speak himself.



(Jimin pov)

When I got to my house Jungkook had fallen asleep I didn't want to wake him so I carefully carried him in. When we got into the house I placed Jungkook on the couch so I could go back to the car and bring his suitcase inside.

I walked back in and shut the door to see kookie just laying down but he was awake now.
"Hey, how was your nap." I said in a low voice, "it was good." Jungkook answered back, I just smiled and walked towards him sitting in the chair next to him.

"Jungkook you can stay here for as long as you need to I live alone so it's not that big but there's a guest room you could use and that has its own bathroom," I said while stroking his hair.

He only nodded

I didn't know what happened but it had to be something bad I wanted to know badly but I couldn't bring myself to question him on the subject.

I then told Jungkook where his room was and that he could wash up anytime he was ready and head off to bed. Meanwhile, I took my shower early since I had work in the morning.

After I took a shower and put on my pajama I laid down in my bed resting slowly letting my eyes shut.



After Jungkook left, taehyung broke down into tears he was angry he was outraged and upset he broke everything in the house as he screamed and smashed plates against the walls and floors. Taehyung made dints in the wall he smashed furniture and things that cost about 20k but nun of it mattered at this point all he wanted was Jungkook and the fact that Jungkook left him made taehyung even crazier than before who knows what he will do.

Through time taehyungs level of crazy could never be diagnosed by any doctor they all used to just blame it on childlike behavior but that wasn't the case at all.

Taehyung came from a family where he was an only child and had an abusive father but only towards taehyungs mother. they soon gave him up for adoption but unlike others, taehyung was adopted by a wealthy family that usually never paid him any attention so therefore taehyung basically had the world in his hands.

He started realizing his friends and lovers he tried to be in a relationship with all only wanted him for his money. They didn't care how funny he was or how charming he was, they only cared about his money which made taehyung unintended in friends and relationships he only focused on himself for years.

Until he meets a boy he was cute and it was like love at first sight taehyung always wanted to be around him he never wanted this boy out of his sigh. He was so different from the rest he actually cared about him and always told taehyung he loved him and this boy's name was jeon Jungkook a cute little bunny rabbit.

And over time taehyungs feeling began to grow as well as Jungkooks. Taehyung and jungkook loved each other so much taehyung wouldn't ever be able to handle if Jungkook ever left him. Taehyung was infatuated he was obsessed and that kind of love caused Kim taehyung to be..........Abusive


I hope you guys enjoyed a little back story to keep the story on the same track.

Thanks for reading vote if you want more stories from me.😇


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