Bad Birthday

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Today is my 21st birthday and my brother told me to meet him at his house so he can give me my present before he has to leave with the rest of the guys to work on the new album. I bet you're wondering what I mean by “work on the new album.” It's simple really, my brother is in Avenged Sevenfold. Yeah that's right. Avenged Sevenfold. I am related to Zacky Vengeance. I've been really good friends with the guys practically my whole life and I feel really lucky to have them in my life. Anyways, I'm heading to Zacky's now so I can get my gift from him then find something fun to do on my birthday since everyone I practically fucking hangout with are busy today. I had already made plans with a bunch of friends to go hang out at a bar for some drinks since I'm turning 21, but they all ditched me last minute. Some friends I have right? Whatever. I pull into Zacky's driveway and turn my car off before getting out and ringing his doorbell. He opens the door after a minute or so and smiles. I just roll my eyes.

“Can I just have my fucking gift so I can find something to do?”

“It's in the livingroom.”

“Then go grab it, you dick.”

“Becca it's not something I can just grab and bring to you. You have to come see for yourself.”

“I swear to God, Zacky, this better be a good fucking gift or you're getting a kick in the dick.”

“Jesus no need to be so violent.”

“Just show me my gift please? I'm seriously not in the mood today. Everyone's ditched me last minute and it's seriously making me believe they don't care for me anymore.”

“Becca you know that's not true,” Zacky frowns. “Everyone cares about you.”

“No. They only care about me because I'm related to you. They use me just so they can get close to you and the guys.”

“Now why would you say that?”

“Because I fucking know that that's the case. Look. I don't have time for this shit, okay? I'm leaving. Give me my gift another time.”

I turn and start walking down his walkway when he yells after me.

“Becca wait! Please!”

I ignore him and just get back in my car, quickly starting it and backing out of his driveway before he can reach me. I speed down the road and try figuring out where to go for my birthday. I can probably go to a bar and have some drinks since I'm legal now. Yeah, I may just do that. I head to Johnny's Bar and park outside before heading in. The bartender smiles when he sees me.

“Becca! How are you doing?”

“Good. Just coming here for some drinks since today is my 21st birthday.”

“Oh right! I almost forgot. Happy Birthday.”

“Thank you.”

I smile and take a seat at the bar.

“I'll have a glass of Guinness if you don't mind.”

“Coming right up, Becs.”

I smile and set my purse up on the counter to grab some money to give him. When he gets back he shakes his head.

“It's on the house tonight. You enjoy your first legal alcoholic beverages.”

“Thanks, Dan.”

“You're welcome.”

I smile and take a sip of my drink. I hate to be alone on this day, but there's nothing I can do since everyone's already busy. I order a couple more drinks after my first and on my sixth glass I'm pretty much already trashed. Dan cleans up my glasses and hands me a glass of water.

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