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 We finally make it back to Huntington Beach and the guys drop me off at my house. I haven't been here since I left, so I'm assuming everything is the way it was. Wait... My car is still in Arizona! I left it parked in some deserted parking lot because I ran out of gas. I just sigh and get off the bus to head inside. I grab my keys from my purse when Jimmy comes off after me.

“Baby are you okay?”

“My car is in Arizona!”

I feel tears sting my eyes and Jimmy frowns.

“Why didn't you say anything before?”

“Because I didn't remember until now. Brian forced me on the bus the day he found me, so I never got the chance to get my car. It ran out of gas so I had to leave it parked in some empty parking lot.”

“Maybe can we can call a tow truck to bring it back.”

“That'll be too much money.”

“No not really.”

“It's not even worth it,” I sigh.

“Yes it is. You need it.”

“It's probably already been towed and brought to the dump.”

“Just call and see if it's been towed.”

“That's too much effort. I don't even care anymore.”

He frowns and lets out a sigh.

“What's wrong with you?”

“Nothing's wrong with me. I just don't wanna waste my time on a stupid car that's probably not even around anymore.”

I unlock my front door and head inside. Jimmy follows me and closes the door behind him.

“Aren't you gonna go home yourself and check on your house?”

“No. I wanna be here with you.”

“Isn't your house more important?”

“When have I ever said that my house is more important than you?”

“You didn't. I just--” I sigh and look away from him. He hugs me to him and sighs.

“It's okay baby. I just wanna be here with you tonight.”

“Okay. That's fine with me.”

He smiles and grabs my hand.

“Wanna go back to bed?”

“Yeah I guess so.”

“Lead the way, beautiful.”

“Can you lock my front door first?”

“Of course.”

“Thank you.”

He nods and locks the door before turning to me.

“All ready.”


I smile and lead him up the stairs to my bedroom. I close my bedroom door and crawl into bed. I motion Jimmy over and he comes over with a smile. I scoot over so he can lay next to me and wrap my arms around him. He smiles and holds me close to him.

“I love you, Jimmy.”

“I love you too.”

I smile and rest my head on his chest before falling asleep in his arms once again. In the morning, I wake up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I rub my eyes with a yawn before rolling out of bed and heading down to the kitchen. Jimmy's at the stove cooking breakfast. I smile and come up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

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