Small Surprise

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 “Is Jimmy here?”

She gives me a fake smile and I just roll my eyes.

“Well no shit. It's his house, isn't it?”

“Right, right. Silly me. Can you get him?”

“Why? What's so important that you have to come here and ruin his life again?”

“Fuck off, Becca. I just wanna talk to him.”

“Yeah well I'm pretty sure he doesn't wanna talk to you.”

“Will you just get him for me? Jesus you've always been a pain in the ass.”

“Fuck you, bitch.”

I wanna slap her so bad. I roll my eyes and call out for Jimmy.

“Jimmy! There's a cunt at your door!”

“A what?”

“Just come up here please!”

“Alright I'm coming.”

I turn back to Leana and she's just glaring at me.

“What? Does the truth hurt?”

“I am not a cunt.”

“Only a cunt would leave her fiance after having a miscarriage. A real woman would stick around and try again.”

She's about to say something when she stops. I turn around and Jimmy's coming over to us. He puts his arm around my waist and pulls me to him.

“Leana, what an unpleasant surprise.”

“Jimmy can we please talk?” She sighs.

“Leana there's nothing to talk about. You left me because you had a miscarriage and never showed your face until now. I've moved on, Leana, and you should too. You obviously didn't love me since you left me.”

“But Jimmy I do love you. It was a mistake okay? I can make it up to you. Please give me another chance.”

“It's too late now. I'm with Becca and I'm not leaving her.”

She sighs and then turns to me with a glare.

“How does it feel to be his sloppy seconds?”

“Me his sloppy seconds? He actually fucked me long before he met you, so pretty sure you're his sloppy seconds.”

She looks up at Jimmy, her eyes wide with surprise.

“You never told me you fucked Becca.”

“Last I checked I didn't have to tell you about my past.”

“I thought I was your first,” she frowns.

“No. I never said anything about you being my first.”

She goes to say something when I cut her off.

“Just leave, Leana. Please. You need to understand that Jimmy's moved on and has found true love in me.”

She looks at Jimmy sadly before turning and walking down the walkway to her car. Jimmy closes the door and locks it before turning to me with a sigh.

“Was I too harsh?”

“No. She deserved to be treated like that for what she did to you.”

He runs his fingers through his hair and just shakes his head.

“Why does she want me to give her another chance? She doesn't deserve another chance. And not to mention I'm with you now and would never do anything to hurt you.”

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