Here Goes Nothing

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 Jimmy and I finish our food and head back towards the stores of the mall.

“Can we go to Hot Topic?” I smile.

“Of course we can.”


I grin and drag him down the hall to Hot Topic. He just laughs and tries to match my pace. We get there and I head over to the shirt section.

“Can you get me this shirt?” I giggle.

It's an Avenged Sevenfold shirt.

“I don't need to buy you one. I can just get you one for free.”

“Really?” I grin.

“Yes of course. Since I'm part of the band I'm liable to get free merch.”

“Awesome! Well I want a shirt just like this.”

“I can make that happen,” he chuckles.

“Thank you.”

I give him a quick hug before releasing him.

“Where to next, Jimbo?”

“Wherever you want.”

“Hmm.... Let's go shop for more outfits and I'll model for you so you can give me an opinion on whether you like them or not.”

“Sounds good to me,” he grins.


As we're leaving someone stops us. A fan. Of course.

“Oh my God you're The Rev from Avenged Sevenfold!”

“Yes I am,” he grins.

“Can I have your autograph?!”

“Of course you can!”

He grabs a sharpie out of his back pocket and signs the back of her shirt.

“Thank you so much! Could I maybe also get a picture?”

“No problem at all, sweetie.”

“Thank you so much!”

She squeals and takes her phone out of her pocket before looking at me.

“Could you take the picture?”

“Yeah! Sure thing!”

“Thanks! Wait... Aren't you Zacky Vengeance's sister?!”

I just blush.

“Yes I am.”

“Could I get your autograph too? It's like a once in a lifetime chance to get a band member's family's autograph too!”

“Sure! I'd love to!”

I grin widely and sign the back of her shirt with Jimmy's sharpie too. She squeals excitedly and hands me her phone.

“Can you take a selfie of all three of us?!”

“Of course. I'm a master at taking selfies.”


I get in between her and Jimmy and take a selfie of us. I hand her the phone back and she gives me a hug.

“Thank you! You have totally made my day!”

“You're very welcome.”

She runs out of the store and starts calling for someone. I just smile and look up at Jimmy.

“Well that's the first autograph I've ever given anyone.”

“I know,” he chuckles. “You'll give plenty more too, I'm sure. It depends on the fan though. Only our hardcore dedicated fans pay attention to family.”

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