Back To The Way Things Were. Kinda.

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 Matt ended up driving to Taco Bell like I hoped he would. He figured I wanted to go there. He went in to order my food for me since I'm too weak to walk and since I still look and smell horrible. When he comes back on the bus he hands me a box of tacos and two large drinks. I look up at him with an eyebrow raised.

“It's all yours. You haven't eaten in weeks, so I want you to get a lot of food in your system.”


I give him a smile before opening the box and pulling all of the tacos out. I set them all on the table and start unwrapping them. When I take the first bite of my first taco, it all pretty much takes over. My hunger takes over and I start devouring all of my tacos. The guys just sit there and watch me pig out on my food. I eat about six before chugging down my first drink and I eat the other six before chugging down my other drink. When I finish, I let out a burp and wipe my hands and mouth with a napkin.

“Wow. I don't think I've ever seen someone eat 12 tacos in under a minute,” Brian frowns.

“Well she was starved for almost two weeks.”


I look at the others and smile.

“I'm gonna go take a shower. Is that okay?”

“Of course it is.”

“I don't have any clean clothes,” I frown.

“You can wear one of my shirts and a pair of my shorts,” Zacky smiles.


He nods and goes down to his room on the bus to grab me some clothes. He comes back a minute or two later and hands me a Vengeance University shirt and a pair of shorts.

“Of course it Vengeance University,” I laugh.

“Well duh.”

I just smile and shake my head before thanking him and going down the hall towards the bathroom. I pass Jimmy along the way and he smiles.

“Where you off to, gorgeous?”

“The shower,” I blush. “Gonna get cleaned up.”

“I see. Well don't let me stop you.”

“I won't,” I laugh.

He smiles before continuing down the hall. I stare back at him before sighing and going into the bathroom to shower. Even though Jimmy hurt me, I'm still deeply in love with him. He's been there for me for years and I can't let my selfishness ruin that. I guess I should change my ways so I don't lose him again. I'll figure it out later. For now, I'm gonna take my shower so I don't smell and look awful anymore. I strip off the clothes I'm wearing now and toss them on the floor before turning the shower water on and stepping inside. I let the hot water pour down on me and start washing myself off good. I grab some shampoo and start lathering it up in my hair. I wanna make sure everything is cleaned off really well since it's been weeks since I've showered. When I feel I've washed up well enough, I start rinsing off. I stand under the hot water for another couple of minutes before turning the shower off and grabbing my towel. I step out of the shower and dry myself off before wrapping the towel around my hair and putting on the clothes Zacky gave me. When I finish up, I go back out to the others and sit down on the couch.

“Have a nice shower?” Zacky asks.

“Yes. Very,” I smile.

“Good. I'm glad.”


I smile and lean my head on Brian's shoulder.

“So when is your next concert?”

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