The Truth Is Out

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I wake up to my alarm playing Seize the Day. I shut it off and roll out of bed, grabbing my phone and checking to see if Jimmy's left me a text yet. There's nothing so I just shrug and start searching for an outfit to wear. I grab my pink polka dotted dress from my closet and set it down on the bed before searching for shoes to wear. I grab my light pink sandals and set them on the bed while I put on my dress. I slip my sandals on then grab a necklace from my jewelry box to wear along with my outfit. Once I'm all dressed I put on some makeup and fix up my hair. I decide to send Zacky a text to see what he's up to today.

Hey Zacky. You doing anything today?”

Nah. Just chilling at home. Why?”

Was wondering if you wanted to chill for a bit. Jimmy's supposed to text me to make plans, but he hasn't yet.”

Yeah sure come on over. I'll be here.”

Awesome. I'll see you in a bit. Also, Jimmy kissed me last night... I'll tell you more about it once I get there.”

He KISSED you?”

Yes. I'll tell you about it soon.”


I grab my purse and keys and head out to my car. I plug my phone into my stereo and listen to some Avenged on the way there. When I get to Zacky's house I see Jimmy's car in the drive way. Zacky must have called him or something. I shrug and turn my car off before walking up the walkway. Instead of knocking I just walk right in.


He doesn't answer, so I just close the door and go inside. I check the kitchen and living room and don't see him or Jimmy anywhere. I walk down the hall and see the door to his basement cracked open a bit. I walk over to the door and can hear them talking downstairs.

“So I heard you kissed Becca.”

“Yeah? And? It's not like it meant anything.”

“If it didn't mean anything then why did you kiss her?”

“Just to cheer her up. She was upset yesterday.”

“Does she know that it didn't mean anything?”

“Of course she does.”

“Are you sure? Did you ask her?”

“No, but I know she knows. It's not like she has feelings for me or anything.”

“Do you have feelings for her?”

“Dude you know she's my best friend. It would be weird to have feelings for her.”

“Well you better not lead her on, man. That's my sister and I would kill for her.”

“I know, man. It's alright. I'm not leading her on.”


They stop talking and I close the door as tears begin to well up in my eyes. I guess I was wrong. I guess Jimmy doesn't feel that way about me and I guess he has no clue that I feel that way about him. I can't even face him right now. I'm not gonna bother going down there to see them. I'm just gonna leave. I walk out of the house and get back in my car. I drive away from Zacky's and take out my phone to call him and let him know that I'm not going over today.

“Hey Becca. Are you almost here?”

“I'm not coming over.”

“Why not? I called Jimmy over so we can all hang out.”

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