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 It's been about 4 weeks since I left Huntington and things didn't go as planned. I'm pretty much homeless in the streets of Arizona and I haven't eaten in almost a week and a half. I haven't heard anything from the others, so I guess Jimmy was right. I've been disowned. My life is practically ruined. I have nothing anymore. My phone will be shut off pretty soon because I have no money to pay for the bill. Nobody in Arizona cares that I'm living on the streets with nothing but the clothes on my back. I'm practically starved and nothing's been done. I don't wanna dig through garbage cans because I don't feel like catching any deadly diseases. Right now I'm just sitting outside of a local CVS watching people that walk and drive by. It's pretty much the only thing I've been doing. I'm too weak to even move anymore, I stink like the dickens, and I look like complete shit. I get looks from people that go by and I try to ignore them, but they just get to me at times. I wish I had never left Huntington.

“Becca? Is that you?”

I look up and see Brian standing in front of me. The fuck is he doing in Arizona?

“Jesus Christ what the fuck happened to you?!”

He frowns and comes over to me to put his coat on me since it's the middle of winter and the temperatures are low.

“How long have you been sitting out here?”

“Like... two weeks. I don't know.”

“Two weeks?! When the fuck was the last time you ate?!”

“Like a week and a half ago?”

“Fuck. We need to get you something to eat, Becca. You can get sick.”

“Why do you care? You and the others obviously don't care about me anymore. You all disowned me.”

“Yeah well we didn't know you were gonna be in the fucking streets starving to death.”

“Neither did I, but my plan to start a new life pretty much shot to hell.”

“I'm sorry... Can I please take you to the others so I can get you something to eat?”

“The hell are you guys doing out here anyways?”

“We had a concert tonight. I was just stopping here at CVS to get myself a pack of cigs.”


He sighs.

“Can I please get you something to eat? I'll bring you back to the bus and have Matt drive to a fast food place or something.”

“Is Jimmy there?”

“Of course he is, Becca. Why wouldn't he?”

“I don't know. He doesn't wanna see me ever again, so I shouldn't go with you.”

“Becca you're fucking starving to death. Look at you! You're nearly skin and bone!”


“I want you to eat something.”

“I don't wanna--”

“That's it. You're coming with me whether you like it or not.”

“Ugh. No.”

He lifts me up and starts carrying me down the street.

“Brian please! Don't take me there!”

“The others need to see you like this. They're gonna wanna help you.”

“I know one person that won't.”

“Stop it.”

I just sigh and bury my face in his neck. I feel him stop walking and start banging on a door.

Life Isn't Always Easy (Avenged Sevenfold)Where stories live. Discover now