Special Date

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 Jimmy ended up bringing me to the nicest restaurant in the city. He always manages to please me in any situation and I love him so much for it.

“Are you having a nice time, baby?”

“I always do with you, baby.”

He smiles and leans forward so his lips are inches from mine.


He quickly pecks my lips before sitting back in his chair.

“So how's the food?”

“Delicious,” I smile, taking another bite of my Chicken Alfredo. (Assuming they even have that in England. XD)

“Mm good. You know what else is delicious?”

“You?” I smile.

“Yes, but no,” he chuckles. “I was gonna say you.”

“Oh,” I giggle.

He smiles and grabs my hand.



“I love you.”

“I love you too, Jim.”

I smile at him and watch as his eyes trail down to our hands.


“Oh nothing. I just thought I saw something.”

“Oh,” I giggle.

He smiles and brings my hand to his lips, giving it a gentle kiss.

“You're so beautiful, baby.”

“Thanks,” I blush.

He nods and places his hand at the back of my neck so he can pull me forward and kiss me. I smile and return the kiss, placing my hand on his cheek. He slowly pulls away and smiles at me.

"We have one more destination after this."

 “Oh yeah?”


He whistles for the waiter and he comes over with a smile.

“We'd like our check please.”

“Absolutely, sir.”

He leaves and comes back a few minutes after to bring our check. Jimmy slides his credit card in and hands it back to the waiter. The waiter processes everything and comes back.

“Here you go, sir. Have a wonderful night.”

“Thank you. We will.”

Jimmy puts his credit card back in his wallet before getting up and helping me out of my chair. I smile, giving him a quick kiss before letting him lead me towards our rental car.

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