Plane Ride

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**Author's note: There's sex at the ending of this chapter, so if you don't want to read it, stop reading when you get to the warning I wrote. Lol. Okay enjoy.**


~6 months later~


“Becca can you grab my last suitcase in the house for me?”

“Sure, baby.”


I quickly run inside and grab Jimmy's last suitcase out of the foyer. I head back outside and quickly lock up the house before bringing it over to the car.


“Thank you, babe.”

“You're welcome.”


I smile and watch as he packs the last suitcase in the trunk of the car. The guys have finally finished and released their new album, so now they're going on a worldwide tour. Their new album is called 'Nightmare' and there are so many badass songs on it.


“Are you excited for this tour, babe?”

“Yes. I am very excited.”


Jimmy smiles and wraps his arms around my waist.


“I'm glad you get to come along.”

“Yeah me too. I'm surprised my job's letting me take this time off just to go.”


He chuckles.


“I may have pulled some strings for you.


“Yep. I may have given the entire staff free tickets to different shows on the tour.”


“Yeah... It was the only thing I could think of.”


I giggle and slap his chest.


“Do the guys know about this?”

“Yes, Matt gave me permission to do so.”

“Well good.”


He smiles and nods.




I look up at him, my eyes filled with pure adoration. I love this man beyond belief and I'm happy he did something so huge just so I can go on tour with them.



“Yes, Bec?”

“I love you. So much.”

“I love you too.”


He presses his lips to my forehead, a smile spreading across his face.


“We should head to the airport now. Got a plane to catch.”

“Okay, baby.”


We get in the car and drive to the airport. He parks in a private area where the other guys and their girls are and starts grabbing our bags out of the trunk.

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