Gone For Good

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 A few minutes after I get home my phone goes off telling me that I got a text. I look and see that it's from Brian.

Hey Becca. Wanna jam for a bit at your place?”

Sure. Come on over. I'm not doing anything.”

Awesome. I'll be over in a little bit.”

Okay sweet. I'll get everything set up.”

Awesome. See you soon.”


I set my phone on the coffee table inthe living room and go into the kitchen to grab a couple of beers from the fridge. I bring those to the living room and set them down before going to grab two guitars from my bedroom. Brian and I have jam sessions a lot and we both come up with awesome riffs for their songs. I grab my amps and set them up with the guitars and wait for Brian's arrival. After a couple of minutes my doorbell rings. I get up from the couch to answer the door and smile at Brian.

“Hey Bri. Come on in.”


He steps inside and I close the door behind him.

“Everything's set up in the living room.”


I smile and he follows me to the living room.

“I grabbed a couple of beers for us too while I was at it.”

“Good thinking.”


He laughs and takes a seat on one of the couches.

“So what do you wanna do? Create more riffs or practice the riffs we already came up with?”

“How about we create more then put them all together and see what it sounds like.”

“Sounds good to me.”


I smile and we both grab a guitar and start jamming. I think of a riff and smile at Brian.

“How about this?”

I play a couple notes and he smiles.

“Sounds good! How about this for a solo?”

He starts playing and I grin widely. He comes up with the greatest solos I've ever heard that gives me goosebumps every time I hear him play one.

“That was fucking amazing. Still not as amazing as your Seize the Day solo. That will always be my favorite.”

“I'm glad you like it.”

“I love it. You're the greatest lead guitarist I've ever met.”

“Thanks,” he laughs.

“No problem. So how are you and 'Chelle doing?”

“We're great! Did I tell you we're trying to get pregnant?”

“No you did not! That's awesome! I'm very happy for you too. You'll be very great parents.”

“Thank you. So when are you going to get married?”

“Pfft. That's not going to happen any time soon, Bri. You know that.”

“Hey you'll never know.”

“Brian, I'm single and you know I don't like rushing in my relationships.”

“But what if it's with someone you grew up with.”

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