The Club

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 Once we get to the club, the guys go straight to the bar and us girls go find a place for us all to sit at. We settle down at a table and wait for the guys to come over with their drinks.

“I don't think I'm gonna drink tonight,” I state. “One of us needs to be sober enough to drive the bus.”

“Good idea. I think we should just let the guys drink tonight.”

“I agree. We can't have all of us drunk and you being the only one sober.”

“Yeah I don't think I could handle that,” I laugh.

“Exactly why I said we should let just the guys drink,” Val laughs along with me.

I give her a smile before looking up to see the guys sitting down.

“You ladies gonna have a drink?” Matt asks.

“Nah we're gonna stay sober tonight. We need to be able to have a designated driver and I don't wanna be the one to deal with a bunch of drunks.”

“Drunks? Nice to know you think we're drunks,” Brian grumbles.

“That's not what I--”

“I know exactly what you meant.”

“No you fucking don't. You took what I said the wrong way.”

“You called us drunks.”

“I didn't fucking mean drunks in the alcoholic way, I meant drunks as in trashed off your fucking asses.”


“You know what? Fuck you, Brian. I'm not dealing with your shit tonight.”

I get up from my seat and storm away from the table.

“Nice going, dumbass! You pissed her off.”

“I pissed her off? She pissed me off when she called me a drunk.”

I just roll my eyes and go over to the bar.

“Give me the heaviest alcoholic drink you've got.”


The bartender gives me a smile before making my drink. I sit down on one of the stools and wait for him to finish. When he sets it down in front of me, I chug the entire thing down and set the glass back on the counter.

“Another round, please.”

“Holy shit. Uh... sure.”

He grabs the glass and makes me another drink. Jimmy comes over and sits down on the stool next to me.

“Babe please don't drink too much...”

“I won't. I'm just having a couple of drinks to get my mind off of your shithead of a best friend.”

“You know how Brian is. Blows things out of proportion.”

“Yeah well he needs to fucking stop before he pushes me too far.”

“He won't. Don't worry.”

“If you say so.”

He gives me a reassuring smile and takes a hold of my hand.

“I know so.”

I look down at our hands and smile.

“I believe you.”


I look up at the counter and grab my drink with a smile. I take a small sip before setting it back down on the counter.

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