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 After a bit of driving, the limo finally stops at our next destination. The driver opens the door and lets Jimmy and I out of the limo. I look around and let out a giggle.

“A carnival?”

“Yeah! I thought why not have a little bit of fun?”

“You're so cute Jimmy.”

“Thank you,” he chuckles.

I smile and give him a soft kiss.

“Shall we go in?” I smile.

“Yes. Come on, beautiful.”

He grabs my hand and leads me over to the front entrance. He buys our tickets and leads me inside.

“Where do you wanna go first, Becs?”

“Hm... I'm kinda craving cotton candy.”

“Sounds good! Let's go find a cotton candy stand.”


I smile and we start walking around in search for a cotton candy stand.

“So are you enjoying our date?”

“Yes,” I smile. “I'm having a ton of fun.”


“Mhm. When do we have to head back to Long Beach for the concert?”

“A couple of hours. We can stay here for an hour or two then head back to get ready. That sound good?”

“Yes,” I grin. “Sounds wonderful.”


He smiles down at me and presses a kiss to my lips.

“Let's get that cotton candy.”

“Oh yeah.”

I giggle and we head to a cotton candy stand. Jimmy smiles at the girl and wraps his arm around my waist.

“I'll take two cotton candies please.”

“Okay,” she smiles.

He hands her cash before smiling down at me. I smile back and lean up to kiss him.

“I love you.”

“I love you too,” he smiles.

The girl hands Jimmy the cotton candy and smiles.


“Thank you.”

He hands me one before taking my hand and walking away from the stand. I take a little bite of my cotton candy and smile.

“Mm yum. Thanks, Jim.”

“You're welcome.”

He smiles and leads me to a bench. We sit down and eat our cotton candy there.

Life Isn't Always Easy (Avenged Sevenfold)Where stories live. Discover now