Make Up

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 I admit, I may have overreacted a bit over Jimmy not liking my food the way I wanted him to. It's just he always wins at everything and it makes me feel like I suck at everything. Yeah, making myself throw up my own food was kind of stupid and now Jimmy's mad at me for it. Maybe he was right. Maybe I do only care about myself. My action was pretty selfish. I just sigh and get up from the bathroom floor. I use some of his mouthwash to cleanse my mouth then head towards the front entrance of his house. I slip my shoes on when he comes over.

“Where are you going?”

“I'm just gonna head home for the rest of the day. Want some alone time.”

“I thought you were staying the night here. We're supposed to watch a movie or two.”

I see him frown and I can't help but to break down in tears. He was right. I am selfish and only care about myself. I'm hurting him by wanting to go home for my own good. He pulls me to him and hugs me tightly.

“What's wrong?”

“You were right. I am selfish. I do only care about myself.”

“Becca I was wrong about that. I'm sorry I put that in your head.”

“But it's true. I wanted you to admit that I'm a better cook, but it's obvious that I'm not.”

“I'm just biased about my own cooking, that's all. Everything I do has to be better. If anyone's selfish here, it's me.”

“I just...”

I sob into his chest and he just sighs.

“Shh. It'll be alright, babe. Your cooking is great, okay? I promise. You can cook for me any time you'd like.”

“That's not the point. You have to be better than everyone at everything and I wanted to do something better than you, but you ruined it for me.”

“I'm sorry...”

I sniffle and break the hug.

“It's okay. Can we go cuddle in your room? I don't feel like watching a movie anymore.”

“Of course we can go cuddle.”

He gives me a smile before leading me up to his bedroom. I go over to his bed and curl up in a ball on top of his blanket. He comes over to me and picks me up before pulling the blankets down and setting me back down. I sniffle and make grabby hands for him. He chuckles and climbs in the bed next to me. I lay my head on his chest and run my finger across his tattoos.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Jim.”

He lifts my chin up and smiles down at me before gently placing his lips against mine. I rest my hand at the back of his neck and return the kiss. As I get into the kiss, I roll myself on top of him and put more intensity into it. His hands roam down to my ass and he squeezes it roughly. I moan into his mouth, grabbing a fistful of his hair.


“Mm yeah?”

I lean forward and whisper seductively in his ear.

“Fuck me...” (I was so tempted to put “Are you going to fuck me? -tongue click- Or nah?” XD)

“Mm don't mind if I do.”

I sit up and start pulling off my shirt. I toss it to the floor and grab his hands, bringing them around my back so he can untie my bikini top. He does and throws it to the floor along with my shirt. I smile as his eyes light up at the sight of me. I feel my cheeks burn a little as I blush and just pull down my shorts and bikini bottoms. Jimmy runs his hands up and down my sides with a wide grin.

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