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 The guys just finished their show in London, so now we're heading back to the hotel to get some sleep for tomorrow's show in Manchester. It's going to be a long drive, so we need the sleep. We get back to the hotel and Jim and I head to our room. I plop down on the bed and let out a sigh. He sits down next to me and brushes my hair behind my ear.

“You alright, baby?”

“Yeah. Just tired is all.”

He lays down next to me and pulls me into his arms. I smile as he presses a kiss to my forehead.


“Yeah, Jim?”

“I'm ready.”

“For?” I look up at him.

“To start a family with you.”

Oh my God! I bite my lip and smile.


“Yes. I want us to have a baby.”

“Oh, Jimmy!”

I grin, crashing my lips to his. He chuckles, kissing me back hard. He rolls on top of me and runs his hands up my shirt.

“Let's start right now,” he mumbles against my lips.

“Okay, baby.”

He pulls my shirt off, taking my bra off right after, and throws them to the floor. I watch as he unbuttons his pants and pulls them down along with his boxers. I bite my lip, letting him pull down my shorts and panties. He throws them down with the rest of our clothes and slides himself in me instantly. I let out a soft moan, wrapping my arms around his neck. He kisses me, thrusting deeply into me. I let out another moan, wrapping my legs around him.

“Oh Jimmy...”


He starts kissing my neck, running his hands up my stomach and to my breasts where he squeezes them gently. Fuck. I tilt my head to the side, biting my lip. He starts picking up his pace, grunting as he thrusts. I let out a loud moan, tightening my legs around his waist. He must have liked that because he starts cumming.

“Fuck,” he pants.

“Oh God,” I whine.

He kisses my neck more then presses his lips to mine, thrusting more. I moan into his mouth, whispering softly.

“I'm so close...”

He grips my hips, thrusting slightly harder. I throw my head back, moaning loud as my orgasm takes over. He moans as I start cumming and waits for me to finish before pulling out of me. I look over at him as he collapses next to me on the bed and smile.


“That was great, babe.”

“Mm it was.”

I rest my head on his chest, smiling widely.

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