Night Club

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 “Becca baby, are you almost ready?”

“Yeah give me a few minutes.”

I dig through my suitcase for the perfect outfit to wear. We're all going out to a club tonight and I wanna make sure I look good for Jimmy. I'm still deciding between a dress or a skirt. Maybe I can wear some skimpy looking dress and just be all over him the entire night. Yeah. I'll do that. I know I packed a few dresses in here somewhere. I come across a short strapless black dress with jewels across the top and decide to wear that. I have a pair of black peep toe pumps that have a few diamond jewels to wear along with my dress. I put them on along with my dress then do my hair and makeup. I check myself out in the mirror before grabbing my purse and going out to where Jimmy is in our hotel suite.


“Finally. I was getting im--”

He stops talking and just stares at me. I smile and go over to him to grab his hand.

“Baby,” I giggle.

“Hm?” He mumbles, still staring at me.

“We gotta go silly.”

“Go where?”

I just giggle and lightly brush my lips across his.

“The club, Jim. We gotta meet the others there.”

“I don't wanna go anymore. I wanna stare at you all night.”

“I didn't dress like this for nothing Jim,” I giggle.

“Course you didn't. You dressed like that so I could tear it all off and fuck you right on our bed.”

“Nooo,” I giggle. “I dressed like this so we can go have fun at the club then come back to the hotel and have you tear it all off and fuck me.”

“But that's too long from now,” he frowns.

“Jim,” I smile. “We don't have to stay at the club for too long. We can have a few drinks, dance for a few songs, then come right back. Sound good?”

“If I knew you were going to dress like this, I wouldn't have agreed to go. I just wanna tear it all off.”

“Jim,” I giggle. “You don't have to tear it off to fuck me.”

He looks down and starts running his hands up my dress. I bite my lip as he feels around and see him smirk when he notices I'm not wearing any panties.

“Bed. Now.”

“Okay,” I snicker.

He slaps my ass and starts pushing me towards the bed. I plop down onto it and look up at him. He crawls on top of me and starts unzipping his pants. I bite my lip and watch as he pulls his cock out. I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him down on me, whispering in his ear to fuck me. He smirks and pushes himself into me, letting out a grunt. I moan, tilting my head back and closing my eyes as he fucks me.


“What the fuck took you guys so long?” Zacky asks as Jimmy and I walk in the club.

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