The Beach

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 As we near the beach, Jimmy stops and turns to face me. I'm about to ask him why he stopped when he cuts me off with a kiss. I instinctively throw my arms around his neck and kiss him back. He slowly breaks the kiss and glances down at me. I stare up at him and cling to his arms as my head spins.

“W-what was that for?”

“Nothing. Just felt like kissing you,” he smiles.

“O-oh. Okay.”

He grins his sweet smile and takes my hand in his again.

“Ready to go for a swim?”

“Yeah I think so,” I smile.


He gives me a smile before leading me down towards the water. I pull off my shorts and tank top and toss them onto the sand before dragging Jimmy to the water. He chuckles and picks me up into his arms. I cling to his neck and glare at him as he starts walking deeper in.

“You better not throw me into the water, James.”

“I won't,” he smiles.

“Good. Or I'd have to k--”

He drops me in the water and I come up with a slight scream.


He starts laughing his ass off.

“You didn't say anything about dropping you in the water.”

I roll my eyes and tackle him down. He comes up from under the water with a gasp.

“Oh you little--”

I squeal and start swimming towards the shore. He laughs and grabs my leg, pulling me towards him. I let out a playful scream and try escaping from his grip. He just chuckles and tightens his grip on me. I giggle and look up at him.

“Are you going to apologize for doing that?”

“No,” I giggle. “Not unless you apologize for what you did.”

“Hm... Okay. I'm sorry I dropped you in the water.”

“It's okay,” I smile. “I'm sorry I tackled you in the water.”

“It's okay,” he chuckles. “Make up kiss?”


He grins and pulls me to him for a kiss. I smile and kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He smiles and wraps his arms around my waist to hold me up better. I feel his hands move down to my ass and let out a giggle.

“Mm Jimmy.”


“You're gonna turn me on by doing that.”

“Mm I don't mind.”

“No, but all these people around us will,” I giggle.


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