Bad News

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 Jimmy runs his fingers through my hair as I lay in his arms. My head is rested on his chest and my arms are wrapped around him tightly.


“Yes, baby?”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I look up at him and he's smiling. I smile back at him and press my lips to his forehead. He rests his hand on my cheek and gently caresses it. I pull back and smile wider, leaning into his touch. He moves his hand towards the back of my neck and pulls me to him for a kiss. I smile, kissing him back. He breaks the kiss and smiles.

“What do you wanna do today, baby?”

“I dunno. Wanna finish our movie date at your house?”

“That sounds like a wonderful idea.”


I give his lips a quick peck before rolling out of bed and grabbing something to wear. I decide on one of my new Metallica shirts, my black and red leggings where one leg is red and the other is black, and my black heels. I dress in the bathroom and do my hair along with my makeup. Once I'm finished, I go back out to Jimmy.

“Ready, baby.”

He looks over at me and smiles.

“Wow. You look absolutely beautiful.”

“Thank you,” I blush.

He smiles and extends his hand towards me.

“Come on, baby.”

I smile and walk over to him grabbing his hand.

“Do you wanna get some breakfast first, baby?”

“Sure,” I smile.

“Wanna go to IHop?”

“Yeah! I love their french toast.”

“Good. Then IHop it is.”


He chuckles and leads me outside to his car. We get in and he starts heading towards IHop. When we arrive, we both get out of the car and head inside.

“Hello. Table for two?”


Jimmy smiles as the girl leads us to a table off in a far corner. She sets the menus down and gives us both a smile.

“Your waitress will be with you shortly.”

“Thank you.”

Jimmy opens his menu and starts looking through it.

“So many good choices in here.”


He looks up from his menu to look at me.

“Aren't you going to look through yours?”

“Nope. I already know what I want.”

“Oh? And what's that?”

“The strawberry banana french toast special.”

“I'm assuming you've had it before,” he chuckles.


He smiles and sets his menu down.

“I think I'll have that too.”

I smile and reach across the table to grab his hand.

“I love you, Jimmy. So fucking much.”

“I love you too, Becca.”

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