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 So the concert is about to start and I'm constantly peaking behind the curtain to see if I can see Leana in the crowd. Thankfully I don't see her, so I shake the thought of her stealing Jimmy back out of my head. Maybe she'll back off if she sees Jimmy and I kissing. I'll have to get myself on that stage someway just to make it happen. Jimmy comes up to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

“Getting impatient?” He chuckles.

“A little,” I smile.

“Well don't worry. We're heading on right now.”

“Okay,” I smile.

He smiles down at me and kisses me gently. I melt against his lips and kiss him back. He pulls away and brushes the hair behind my ear.

“Go sit with the girls on the side and watch.”


I give him a tight hug before releasing him and going over to the girls. They smile at me and scooch over on the couch so I can sit. I smile before sitting down and sighing.

“I'm afraid Jimmy's gonna see her in the crowd and his mind is gonna change about me.”

“That won't happen. Jimmy would do the total opposite.”

“How do you know?”

“Because Jimmy wouldn't want someone to go what he went through.”

“I guess that's true.”

“It is true.”

I smile at Val and give her a little hug.


I turn my attention to the guys and watch as the curtain slowly raises up and the lights go on. Everyone screams and cheers and the music for Critical Acclaim starts playing. I bite my lip and stand up, walking over to the side of the stage and out of sight of the audience to see if I can spot Leana anywhere. Nowhere to be seen, but that doesn't mean she won't show up. I look over at Jimmy and watch as he rocks out on his drums. He makes the hottest faces when he drums. I just smile and watch him every song they play. They finally get down to their encore song and Jimmy speaks into his mic.

“So this last song that we're playing, I'd like to dedicate to the most important woman in my entire life. She's watching us play right now and I want her to know that she will always be important to me and that I will always love her.”

I look out into the audience and see Leana standing right in the front row. My heart sinks and tears start to sting my eyes. What if this was the plan all along? What if he knew she was coming back and planned to do this at the last concert? But why would he take me on a date the same day?! What if I'm just freaking myself out? What if I'm just imagining her in the audience? No. I can't be. This is real. She's back and Jimmy's going to give her another chance. I feel hands on my shoulders and I'm beginning to get shook. I snap out of my reverie and look at the person in front of me.

“Becca what the fuck is wrong? Jimmy's calling you out on stage!”

“What? Me? Why?”

“Because he just dedicated Warmness on the Soul to you.”

“Me? I thought he was doing it for Leana!”

“Of course not! I told you he loves you more than he did her.”

“But I--”

“Just go out there!”

“I-I can't.”

I start shaking and just collapse to the floor.


Val kneels down next to me and Michelle runs out on stage, whispering something to Matt.

Life Isn't Always Easy (Avenged Sevenfold)Where stories live. Discover now