Seize the Day

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 “Baby are you ready?” Jimmy calls from the living room.


I go out to him and he just wipes the tears from my eyes.

“You'll be alright, baby.”


Today is Val's funeral and Jimmy and I are getting ready to head out. I decided not to wear any makeup since I know I'll be doing a lot of crying. I'm wearing a simple black dress, black boots, a black necklace, my black hat to block the sun from my eyes, and a pair of sunglasses. Black of course. Jimmy grabs my hand and squeezes it. I look up at him and try my best to muster up a smile.

“Come on. Let's get this day over with, yeah? When the funeral service is over we're all going over to Matt's for a little get together. You know, to show each other support. This is a huge loss for all of us.”

I nod my head numbly and let him lead me outside to the car. We get in and he starts driving to the funeral parlor for the memorial service part first. At least I know I don't have to deal with dramatic family here. We get there and park, heading right inside. I look around and see a lot of Val's family standing around, talking and crying. I see Matt by her casket and he looks completely awful. I can't help but to tear up. To imagine what he's going through is absolutely painful. Not only has he lost his wife, but he's lost his unborn child. Jimmy hugs me tightly to him and whispers in my ear.

“Do you wanna go over there and see her?”

“I-I dunno...”

“I'll go with you if you'd like.”


He grabs my hand and leads me over to her casket. Matt looks up at us and his eyes are red and puffy. I frown and he motions me over to him. I go over and he just pulls me into a hug. I hug him back tighter and sob into his chest.

“I miss her so much...”

“Me too, Matt.”

I feel his tears soaking my shirt and whimper.

“I'm so sorry, Matt.”

“I don't know what to do... I can't bring myself to move on, but they were her final wishes and I can't just not do what she wanted me to.”

“Just give it time, Matt. You don't have to move on so quickly. Maybe a few years from now someone will come along and steal your heart all over again.”


He sighs and pulls back from the hug to give me the best smile he can give.

“I'll let you have a moment alone with her.”

“Thank you.”

He nods and gets up before going over to Jimmy. Jimmy gives him the biggest hug ever and whispers to him. I smile at how loving he can be and just turn to face Val. She looks so peaceful, but I hate that she has to be in this casket. I put my hand on her and frown.

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