Alone Time

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 It's been a couple of weeks since the guys started their small tour and now they're down to their last concert in Long Beach. It's been a while since they've played here, so they're all wicked ecstatic. Val and Michelle eventually tagged along half way through the tour and I've been spending lots of time with them throughout the whole thing. We go shopping a lot and have girl time while the guys do their thing, but when it comes time for the concert we're right there backstage watching them. It's amazing to see so many of their fans come out to see them perform and the reactions most of them have is just absolutely amazing. I love it. As for Jimmy and I, we haven't really taken another step in our relationship. I told him that I'd rather take things slow because it feels like the right thing to do for now. He completely understands and respects my decision, so it makes me ten times happier. Zacky's kinda on and off about it. One day he'll be totally okay and then another he'll be in Jimmy's face threatening him. I seriously don't understand what his problem is. He needs to get the fuck over the fact that Jimmy and I are slowly becoming something more than friends. I get that I'm his little sister and Jimmy's almost 8 years older than me, but I'm still old enough to make my own decisions on who I want to be with. It tends to piss me off.

“Hey beautiful.”

Jimmy comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

“Hey,” I blush.

“You okay?”

“Yeah. I'm good.”


He smiles and presses his lips to my neck.

“Are you ready for tonight?”

Oh right. I almost forgot about our date before the concert.

“Of course. I'll just have to change before it's time to go and then I'll be ready.”

“Alright. What do you want to do until then?”

“I dunno. What's there to do?”

“Wanna go take a walk in the park that's down the street?”

“Sure! That sounds perfect.”

I grin widely and Jimmy takes my hand.

“Great. Come on, beautiful.”

I blush and let him lead me off of the tour bus. We walk down the street hand in hand and I can't help but to smile.


“Nothing. Just thinking about how amazing you are.”

“You're the amazing one, not me.”

“I beg to differ.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yes,” I giggle.

“What makes me more amazing than you?”

“You're funny, very kindhearted, talented, know how to bring a smile to my face, make me feel like I'm worth something, and not to mention you're very sexy.”

He just chuckles and pulls me to him for a kiss.

“Okay you win this time.”

“Yay! I win?!”

“Yes,” he chuckles.

“That's a first.”

“And it will be your last too.”

“Yeah because you always win.”


“Except this time. I won this time,” I smile.

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