Shopping Time

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 So Matt dropped Jimmy and I off at the mall and went with the other guys to find something to do while they wait for us to finish shopping. When we reach inside the mall, I look up at Jimmy.

“Can we go to Victoria's Secret first? I'd like to get some bras and underwear first.”

“Of course we can.”

He smiles and takes my hand before walking down the hall with me. I blush and glance down at our hands as we walk. It feels so right to hold his hand, but I know it'll never happen in the way I wish it to.

“Watcha thinkin about?”

I just shrug.

“Nothing really in particular. I have a lot on my mind.”

“Oh I see.”


I look up at him and smile.

“What are you thinking about?”



“Yeah. I've just been worried about you lately is all.”


“Yeah. And to be quite honest, I couldn't get what you said to me that day off of my mind the entire time you were gone.”

“Which thing?”

“The ' if you opened your eyes, then you would see the fucking reality right in front of you.' thing.”


I look down awkwardly and sigh.

“Becca can you please tell me what you meant by that? It's really bothering me not knowing.”

“Can we talk about it in a more private setting?”

“Sure. Let's find somewhere to go.”


He smiles and we search for an area where nobody is around to talk. When we find a place, we sit down and keep silent for a few minutes. Finally, he speaks up.

“So what did you mean?”

“Well... when I overheard you and Zacky you said something to him. Something that wasn't entirely true. Something you just assumed was true.”

“What? What was it?”

“That I don't have feelings for you...”

“So you're saying that you do have feelings for me?”

I look down at the floor and nod slightly. Jimmy sighs and doesn't say anything for a while. Finally, he does.

“Why didn't you tell me sooner?”

“Because I didn't want to lose you as a best friend if you didn't feel the same way.”

“Regardless of how I feel about you, you would never lose me in that way.”

“Really?” I look at him.

“Yes. We'll always be best friends no matter what our relationship is.”

I smile and hug him tightly.

“I'm glad to hear that.”


He looks down at me and smiles. I smile back and lean up to kiss his cheek.

“Now that all that's cleared up, wanna start shopping now?”

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