The Concert

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 Jimmy and I are picking Sarah up from her house before the concert so she can be there early and won't have any issue coming backstage. The guards will see her with us and won't question her. We pull up to her house and Jimmy honks the horn. She comes out and squeals when she sees us. I giggle and she gets in the back.

“Hey Becca!”


“Hey what about me?!” Jimmy pouts.

“Hey to you too, Jimmy!”

“That's better.”

She laughs and Jimmy starts driving.

“So are you excited?” I look back at her.

“Super excited.”

“You finally get to meet your future husband,” I tease.

“Oh shush.”

She blushes and I just laugh.

“Hey you never know.”

“I know.”

I sit back in my seat and smile at Jimmy. He winks and grabs my hand, giving it a squeeze. I giggle and lean over to kiss his cheek.

“Aww you guys are the cutest,” Sarah giggles.

“Thanks,” Jimmy chuckles.

“Yeah thanks,” I blush.

“So when are you guys revealing the news about your engagement?”

“Tonight,” Jimmy smiles. “Gonna do it during the concert at some point.”

“Sweet! I can't wait.”

“Me neither,” he laughs.

We finally pull up to the arena and Jimmy parks by the entrance. We get out and start heading towards the back door.

“I'm scared,” Sarah whispers.

“You'll be alright,” I smile.

We go inside and Jimmy leads us to a room where all the guys and girls are sitting around waiting.

“Hey guys. This is Becca's friend Sarah. She'll be hanging out with us before the concert and quite possibly after the concert.”

They all look up and smile. Brian just stares at her in awe. I see her glance over at him and blush.

“Hello Sarah,” Zacky grins.

“Hey,” she smiles.

“Are you excited to watch the concert from backstage?”

“I sure am,” she laughs.

“Good. It's going to be a great concert.”

“Good. I can't wait.”

I smile and lead her over to a couch where we sit down.

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