chapter 1

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Let me introduce myself, my name is y/f/n I'm 18 years old, and I'm officially done with school. Thank fuck. I've only got one friend her name is Tori, I'm surprised she stuck along with me, seeing as I acted so cold towards her. Now shes the only person I'm able to show emotion to, its weird how she managed to do it but I'm kinda glad she did. I feel.....somewhat normal around her.

Not many people like being my friend due the the fact I struggle to show emotion, so I was diagnosed with alexithymia.

It never really bothered me that people never tried to be friends with me, I'm kinda relieved. I'm more of someone who prefers to be in my own company, and I really don't like my privacy invaided. Though Tori is a massive exception, I would be completely lonley.

In school I was classified the schools badass and rebel. Im also the person who doesn't like the be constricted by some stupid rules somebody made up. So if there are rules I will be sure to prove that they able to be broken with a simple action.

Oh I also make it sound like life is what you consider normal here, that couldn't be even more wrong. We humans share our existence with werewolves and vampires.

There not so bad we have a contract with both races saying that we shall not harm each other. Of course there are rebel vampires that kill humans or take us as blood slaves, but if they are found by there queen she has them executed.

Werewolves on the other hand they all keep to there word as they were originally created by a witch to protect us from vampires. So now werewolves don't have to fulfill there purpose now that there if peace between vampires and humans.

This though doesn't stop the war between vampires and werewolves, that battle still rages on. We try to stay out of it cause if we get onto the wrong side we would be wiped out easily.

I walk out my house for a my everyday midnight stroll, that I never fail to do. I do this to clear my head, its not like I can express myself to show what's going on in my head. So I go one long walks and this somehow works.

I walk for like 2 hours till I hit the meadow I always stop at and I sit down on the field, leaning on my elbows. I look up to the stars and take in the beauty of it all.

This place right here at this time is my favorite place on this plant, it... Kind of makes me happy. Another reason I like it cause it gives me a chance to feel emotion even if its the smallest amount, its something atleast.

I hear shouting getting closer and closer, then a growl makes its way to my ears. Great the wolves and vamps are probably at it again. Why here at my special place.

All of a sudden a body gets thrown threw a bush and onto the meadow about 5 feet away from me.

The person stands up quickly and one of her eyes a glowing a gold colour then the other is red. Ah Camila the alpha, I call her the supreme cause of american horror story. Don't ask why cause I don't know.

Camila is what you call the alpha of all alphas. She is known to be very kind hearted but ruthless if you piss her off. You can tell its her cause her one of her eyes are naturally brown but the other is gold. But when she's mad the gold one glows and the brown well it turns red like they are now.

With in a blink of an eyes a raven haired girl with blood shot eyes and large fangs sticking out her mouth. She grabs hold of Camila but the neck and lifts her off the ground, that's when Camila brings her claws our and scratches up her arm. The vampire let's go and hisses in pain.

"Guys seriously can you take your war elsewhere, can't you see I was trying to relax" I see them look at me in shock as I look back up to the sky.

"Give back our people that you imprisoned and I won't suck the life out of this girl" the vampire says as she grabs my arm and pushes my head to the side, so she can have access to my neck.

Sparks shoot up my body and theresb a burning sensation in my arms where she first grabbed me.

She let's go of me quickly and says "no how can that be, that's impossible." Camila wastes no time to grab my wrist and pull me towards her protectively, and I see the vampire staring at me highly confused.

The exact same thing happens to me as it did with the blood sucker, sparks fly through my body while there is a burning sensation in my wrist.

Camila quickly pulls up my sleeve to reveal my wrist and she gasps "how can that be. This is impossible" I look down at my wrist to see the werewolf mating mark. "Hm that's new" I say causally.

The brunette looks at me as if she is trying to read me. I hear her sigh as she gives up.

The vampire uses their speed to snatch me from her grasp and look at my wrist then tears my shirts where I felt the burning feeling when she touched me. I look down slightly to see the vampire mating mark, great just what I needed.

She smirks at me and picks her lips "it looks like you belong to me" she says lowly. "Um no correction I belong to no one. These marks mean shit to me" "marks?" She questions coldly then looks at my wrists.

"Let go of my Luna Lauren" Camila growls. Oh great this is Lauren, the vampire queen. She's known to be harsh and extremely cold to most people.

"You fucking idiot she belongs to both of us." Lauren shows the mark on my shoulder as I look at them bored. "Night night" Lauren whispers then a hard hit gets me on the back of my head then the world in front of me goes black.

Hey kittens looky kooky my story is now upp. Also thanks SLOTHTATO for the cover so I don't have to use the shitty ass oneee I made just in case you didn't get back to me in time. Welp I hope u guys liked the beginning of this storryyy, bye I loveeeee yyoouuu kittensss byeee

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