chapter 11

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I groan and wake up in a bed for once, well this is a pleasant surprise. A strong smell of strawberries hit my nose causing me to smile because of the familiar smell. That's when my head clicks, I'm human again!

"Oh thank god" I say out loud by accident as I stretch "as a hybrid your smell isn't that great if you couldn't pick up mu scent" a voice echo's through the room.

I sit up and look towards the door that is closed and has Tori leaning against it. "Ah I thought I could smell your perfume" she laughs and shakes her head "no shit" she mumbles.

"I heard that" "of course you did, I need to remember that ur not as deaf as a old lady" I gasp dramatically causing her to laugh more and for me to smile at the sight of seeing her laugh.

God I missed feeling, I'm glad that she's here I can be happy. Though I do have a lot of questions for this girl.

"Soooooooo would u like to explain yourself young lady" "oh love I'm anything but young, I'm the oldest thing alive that walks the surface. Anyway what do you want to know"

I think for a second as a stare at her "how did you become a witch" "that's one simple question with one complicated answer" she replies, making me raise an eyebrow and chuckle "stop over exaggerating"

"Oh I'm really not but oh well, here it goes. There was a witch hunt wayyyyyyy before Salem that nobody knows about since it was done in secret and all evidence was burned. That witch hunt left every witch in existence to become extinct, leaving succubuses to be the main problem. They were killing everyone. My parents were demon hunters and there was way to many succubuses to fight off. At this time they where pregnant with me and they couldn't afford anything to happen to me. So they went to the one person they never thought they would go to unless it was to kill him. Hades. They summoned him and they made a deal, he would get rid of the succubuses if he could give me powers. So they agreed. The hand mark on my stomach is symbol of there contract and the level of my power. I call it the devils mark. But anyway when I was born Hades took me to hell for the first 18 years of my life to train me. Once my mark hits pure black I have to fulfill my duty to Hades as I would have to power to wipe out all holy creature"

I blink rapidly as I look at her. "Um ok so that was a lot" Tori chuckles and nods "I did warn you didn't I" in all fairness she did warn me after all.

Tori is such a kind and loving person, then to find out she is to wipe out anything that is holy. Well fuck this won't end well. Hopefully she will notice that and disobey Hades orders.

"I was told that you created a succubus. Why on earth would you want to do that?" When I asked that her smile turns into a sorrowful frown, as she stays silent, as if she is lost in her memories.

She shakes her head quickly and makes eye contact with me. "Ever since I was young I never wanted to be a witch, I hated the fact I was. To me its a cures, especially with the duty I have to fulfil. When I was aloud to walk the surface, I searched for my parents. I wanted an explanation, and I got it once I found them. Let's say I was pissed that they sold me to the devil. I wanted revenge and the best way to do that was to bring back the species that got rid of for the exchange of me. I wasn't strong enough at the time to create or bring back a species. So I went of and gained power. Along the way I met this girl called Ally I fell in love with this witch. Me and her got married, and after a few decades, she had informed me she found a way to get the little power I needed to do what I wanted. Her words to me was 'its our a hundredth anniversary and I have the best present. I can get you that power babe. Just wait there' just like that she left. She never returned that day, so I did a scan to feel her life force so I can find her. When I did I discovered that she was dead, but since she died recently I was able to find her body.. It was in a town of witch hunters. I took the power that remained in her body and it was enough. I created the succubus, her name is normani. She turned more people into what she is and they killed off the town. That was my revenge for Ally. Then I got normani to turn more people all around the world, that was my revenge to my parents, even of they were dead at the time I succeeded."

I hug her as tightly, feeling bad for the poor girl. She's been suffering all this time but I never noticed, I'm such a shit friend.

Tori hugs me back and we stay in silence for a while, until she speaks up again. "You know we didn't meet by accident." I furrow my eyebrows and respond "what do you mean".

"Well I had a vision that you was going to be the one that stopped the war. So I searched for you and I found you. So I made it my job to keep you safe from harms way, and to do that being your best friend would be the easiest way. Yet you didnt make it easy but it was worth the fight. I have compelled you on the day, to make you go to the field, as I knew they would show up. I'm sorry I did that, but the war had to end before it got to far. Don't get me wrong to I love you and you are really my best friend, I wouldn't want any other loser as it."

I put my head on my heart and pretended I was offended. Before I could speak up Camila shouts for me "y/n get that ass of yours down stairs" I roll my eyes and me and Toriwalk down the the stairs hand in hand.

Welp that's Tori's story I hoped u liked this chapter. Sorry for all the mistakes. Please if u have the time check out Truth786 and imaginemarv3l these two girls are fucking amazing soo follow them, vote for their stories they deserve it. Also I love u kittenssss byeeeee xxxx

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