chapter 18

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"Bitch no, you will not share me." I huff as I walk up the stairs. More like storming up the stairs, but that just makes me seem like a child, so I'm just going to say I walked up the stairs out the basement.

I hear the other girls muttering to each other. I could easily listen in but I don't care. Yes maybe I do want to have them, but I would rather have only one of them not both. I don't like the thought being shared like some jumbo pack of doritos.

I know for a fact they make me feel something seeing as there able to bring my emotions out of me. I dont know what I am feeling towards them but I kind of like it.

They make me happy when there not being complete fucking idiots. They manage to make me smile and laugh, maybe on the rare occasion they make me giggle. God do I hate giggling I don't know why I just have some hatred for it.

Obviously they annoy the fuck out of me and make me go crazy, but I found a way to forgive them. I don't know how but I have, I don't want to, and once again I have. They are like some sort of toxic and the danger of it is drawing me in, more and more until I get the courage to use it. I can use it to my disposal if it was necessary, as no one will dare to face the wrath of their power.

I have cried over them well Lauren actually, but still I facing new emotions they are making me feel. There is one other but I can't put my finger on it, I have never came across it before. So obviously it scares me, and that folks is another fucking feeling that they are making come up to the surface.

I sit myself down on my bed and I sigh to myself as I lean back onto the head bored. I could leave now. Nothing's stopping me, I'm stronger and faster then them. All I have to do I run out the door or through my window.

Why don't I? Why do I stay here when I could gain my freedom back? More importantly, why do I want to stay?

I'm sorry this is so sort but this is just a little filler so I can just write down the emotions that y/n is feeling and what her thoughts where. I promise on Thursday the chapter will be my normal length or hopefully even longer. I love u kittens bye xxx

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