chapter 22

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I just have to say sorry for the lack of updates. I had a few mocks and I wasn't feeling to well mentally. But I'm back now hopefully.

3 days later:

Yesterday we all went to the UK which is in the Soul Dust region leader is currently living. We decided to bring Dinah along because she didn't want her wife leaving to go to another country without her. This is also where I found out Normani and Dinah are married.

Anyway we are now living in a underground bunker that looks some what familiar, but I know for a fact I have never been here. (The bunker from my story a bit crazy 😉)  It's weird.

We are staying here in hiding because if Lauren is seen then we will lose the element of surprise, and we need it if we are going to take back this section. We also have a partner on the inside, I  believe her name is Arianna if I remember correctly. Once again she feels familiar. Why is this place making me feel this way.

Camila is out in the woods to meet up with the major pack in the area, to find out what's going on with them. She wanted me to some but I decided to stay back and look around the town to find anything suspicious. Well I say I decided but I was commanded by Lauren, and because of the damn compulsion I have to do it.

Lauren is just in the bunker looking at a bunch of maps with the Arianna chick, to find out what will be the best option for attack. I say let's storm in there and take over. Let me do the dirty work then Lauren kill the leader. Job done. But nooooooo they need to be strategic and have the element of surprise. SERIOUSLY MY IDEA IS BETTER. YOU HAVE THE SUPRISE AND THE UTTER DESTRUCTION. Fucking hell.

All of a sudden a vanilla/strawberry sent fills my nose, causing me to hum. Tori.

As if on cue she's infront of me with her arms crossed. "Are you kidding me y/n wear atleast an open flannel if you are going to wear a vest. Your mating marks are showing and any vampire will be able to recognise Lauren's symbol. Then they will see Camila's, then the damn council will find us. Do you want to fucking die!" I stay silent and my face goes blank. Like I've always wanted death in a way soooo it wouldn't be that bad if I was to.

This is wear Tori's face softens slightly, making me realise that she is able to read my mind. "I thought you have gotten over them types of thoughts... Especially now that you have started liking people who make you happy" she takes off her jacket  and hands it to me, so I put it on.

"Thanks" my eyes divert to this younger girl, about 15, staring at me. She had black hair with the most bluest eyes I have ever seen. They were absolutely stunning, no doubt about that.

I breathe in heavily trying to focus on her ora. She's a werewolf with a distinctive smell of chocolate. At least she's not a vampire that saw me.

I start to make my way towards her but she runs away. I feel slightly disappointed, like she is or is going to be someone important within my life. I have a huge feeling though, that I will see her again.

I face to see Tori staring in the direction the girl ran in, smiling like she cares greatly for her. "Who was she?" I ask curiously "Don't worry. You won't know her until two different life times. (Reference to a story in a future???) She will be the thing you cherish the most." I stare at her completely confused to what she is on about, but it's probably just one of her visions.

"Anyway y/n/n I've found you because me and you are going on the mission I was on about. I need you to make sure nothing happens when do the spell." I nod as Tori looks around to make sure no one is looking then flicks her wrist and were in the middle of nowhere, underneath a willow tree. A verity of flowers covering a meadow around the tree.

"This place is beautiful" "thanks I planted all of this myself

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"This place is beautiful" "thanks I planted all of this myself.. this is Ally's grave" she says sadly and cared carefully makes her way to the willow tree without stepping on any of the flowers. I follow her steps trying to be respectful of her wife's grave.

"I'm going to start the spell. Whatever you do, don't interrupt me." "Ok" I say and I look around the area. I can't help but wonder if the days she disappeared are the days she came here.

Slowly Tori places her hands hands on to the bark of the tree, then starts to speak Latin I believe.

After a few seconds the tree starts to glow a gold-ish colour and the hanging leaves turn purple. "Woah" I mutter at the sight. It's astonishing, breath taking even. It's just wow.

The leaves on the side that's facing us start twisting together as, causing it to brighten even more. Tori's chanting starts to slow down and once she stops every flower surrounding the tree starts to glow a gold colour aswell .

Slowly the gold from the flowers sink down into the ground and you can see the path each flowers ora is taking to the tree underneath the soil.

Once all the ora is in the tree the bark starts shining so bright you can't stare at it too long, because it will actually start to hurt. It doesn't stop me watching all the gold go into the vines of the tree and getting trapped inside the spiral that has been created.

Slowly the vines start to unravel itself and there stands a small female girl with brown hair... Naked... "I did it!" Tori shouts "I brought you back!" She laughs happily.

The girl smiles and runs into Tori's arms as I stand there awkwardly. Have neither of them realised that she's naked...

"Hey Ally I missed you so fucking much" my eyes widen. It all makes sense now. Why we're here and why a fucking girl came out a tree.

"I missed you to Tori.. I knew you could do it.. I knew it.." she says softly.

Y'all thought Ally won't be a character in this story. But anyway sorry for any mistakes I love you kittens s byeeee xxxx

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