chaper 5

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I just want to say this chapter is written by (some is edited by me) fifthharmony120 .
This whole chapter is smut

When I wake up my head was pounding and I look around to realize I am tied up again... This can't be good. I hear shuffling and suddenly Lauren appears and she does NOT look happy. "I see your up" she smirks.

"Well obviously my eyes are open." I say sarcastically, which probably wasn't the best move since there is a burning sensation on my cheek, she slapped me again.

"You really need to learn a lesson" her smirk slowly gets bigger "and that's exactly why I'm here" at first I was really confused but then she started to tear my clothes off my body.

"Lauren what the fuck get off!" I shout "where the fuck is Camila! She wouldn't let you do this!" I struggle to try to get out of the rope that is restraining me.

"Shut the fuck up" she says annoyed and she rips the last if my clothing off me. "You need to be taught a lesson for kissing that other worthless mortal, and oh don't worry that mutt knows what I'm doing and she doesn't have the guts to punish you herself. Funny isn't it, I have no problem doing it" she sinks her fangs into my neck and I hiss loudly from the pain shooting up my neck. I will never get used to that.

"Fucking shit" I whimper when she finally pulls away and stares at me.

"Don't you dare fucking scream" she hisses out and slids one finger inside me, then a second then a third and starts to pump then in and out hard.

"Stop" I bed and try to move with the best of my ability "fucking stop you blood sucker" I started to raise my voice and struggle more. But instead she slaps me across my face again, and it only makes her her go faster.

I bite my lip slightly knowing I should give in and accept my punishment but I'm too selfish.

I feel her fingers curl inside me, hitting my g-spot and it makes me jerk my hips up, and a soft moan escapes my lips, even though I fought so hard to not let it. "S-stop" I yell and whimper at the same time. I can't believe this is happening to me.

"Are you sure you want me to because based on that moan you seem to be enjoying your punishment a little to much" she hisses again and continues to hit my g-spot hard, making moans flow out my mouth a lot more and a lot louder.

I feel a sensation in my stomach, letting me know that I'm close. As she felt my walks clench around her fingers she pulls out causing me to groan "I told you, you would regret kissing her." She says.

"You arsehole!" I shout and she punches me in the face causing me to feel dizzy slightly.

"A punishment is a punishment and boy are you not done with yours." She hisses for like the hundredth time and I gasp as her hand strikes down on my pussy hard.

She does it again even harder making me wimper loudly and close my eyes tightly.

She does this over and over again and there is no way it isn't red and it is definitely sore I can feel that myself

"For someone who is begging me to stop this punishment your really wet" she smirks and if I could I would wipe that smirk off her face.

She slaps my pussy one more time, harder then the others, causing me to tear up. "Hmmm have you learned your lesson" she questions and I nod quickly.

"Good don't make that mistake again" she stands up and leaves the room and she left me alone... Tied to a bed.... Naked.... That bitch.

I sigh and try to relax after the event that just took place.

Hey as you probably read at the beginning I won't be updating for 2 weeks. I love u kittens byeee xxxx

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