chapter 2

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Sorry I would have updated sooner but the pass few days have been..... Eventful?

I slowly open my eyes to here shouting "god damn it Lauren you didn't have to knock her out and tie her up!" "Eh I don't care, its so she can't escape" I see the green eyed vampire shrug.

Camila sighs frustratedly and turns to face me to see me looking atbher with a black face. She walks up to me and places a hand on my cheek "I'm sorry, what's your name hun" I jerk my head away from her and scowl.

"Yeah um don't touch me, and its y/n" I say in a monotone voice and I see Lauren raise her eyebrow "you are the most interesting mortal I have ever met" Camila groans at Lauren.

"Don't call her a mortal as if she is nothing! She's our mate and if you think your going to win her like that think again" a furrow my eyebrows.

"What do you mean by win me" Lauren moves Camila out the way and sits on my lap and smirks "well you see we are going to compete for your love, so you pick one of us"

"Pfft you think I'm going to love you guys. Think again I don't love, and I defiantly won't love a wolf wanna be or a blood sucker who thinks there the best thing on this planet but they need to realise their below nothing" I stare at her seriously.

My face goes to the side as a stinging sensation spreads across my cheek. She slapped me.

I turn my head to look at her and she was fuming and behind her was a shocked Camila.

"You. Do not talk to me like that. I am above you. You are nothing. Of you talk to me like that again human you will be begging me to kill you" "Lauren!" Camila shouts shocked.

"Do it. I dare you. Try to make me beg you to kill me, cause I won't give in and you will end up doing it, and oh that would be the best thing to bring upon me" I lean forward so I'm right in her face "I'm not scared of you"

The smirk once again was plastered onto her face "you should be" she she shows her fangs "well I'm not and I never will be" I say and she shakes her head in amusement.

"Tsk tsk. Never back chat me sweetheart" she bites my neck harshly as her fangs sink into my neck forcefully. I hiss loudly and whimper from the pain "fuck!"

I feel my blood getting drained from my body and she sucks on my neck, technically sucking the life out of me.

She gets yanked off me and thrown across the room, Camila quickly unties me and picks me up then runs out the room.

She places me onto the bed gently and cuddles into me "I'm so sorry about her" I nod and stay still. Your probably wondering why I'm not trying to escape and that because I have no chance of escaping a werewolf that knows my sent and a vampire that could catch up to me within a second.

They need to think again though if they think I'm going to behave for them cause I'm not. I'm going to raise hell.

Sorry this is kinda shitty my phones going to die and I'm on a coach. Well I love u kittens byeee xxxx

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