Chapter 14

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Camila slowly walkes towards us, while growling menacingly. She grabs my arm roughly and digs her nails that where turning into claws into my skin, causing me to whimper.

"You know after all these years I would love to kill you, but why not have your own mate kill you instead" I turn to look at her as if she was crazy, and the look in her eyes is something I've never seen before. She is generally out for blood, and that blood had to be Laurens.

"I'm not killing her Camila! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I furrow my eyebrows at her and she grips my jaw and stares directly into my eyes.

"You will do exactly what I say. You will attack Lauren with the intent to kill her. Do you understand?" She asks sternly and in a monotone voice I uncontrollably say "yes, I understand" she smiles "good girl. Now go do what I told you to."

I glance at Lauren and she mutters 'shit' then uses her speed to run off. I quickly do the same and run after her.

Being a hybrid I am able to catch up within a minute, so I tackle her down to the floor. "Y/n snap out of it! You can't kill me like this and you know it!" "I-im sorry" I say trying to fight the urge to kill her, or well damage her enough so I can knock her out till I have what I need.

"I-im so so sorry, I don't want to do this. I don't want to hurt you." "Its ok you can't kill me my-" before she could finish I plunge my hand into her chest feeling her rips break around my hand.

Screams fill the forest as my fingers wrap round her heart. I yank her heart straight out of her chest, and surprisingly tears full down my cheeks.. I'm sad to do something I thought of doing to her since I got here.

Her heart still pumps in my hand and I look down at her passed out state. I try to crush her heart but instead it shaped to the form of my hand as I squish it then goes back to normal.

I grab Laurens leg and drags her all the way back to the house and dropped her in the middle of the living room. "Camila!" Just as I shout her name she appears from the kitchen.

"You killed her good. Now your all mine." "Actually she's passed out I tore out her heart but she's not dead. I believe she won't wake up until I put her heart back in" "she never let anyone have the opportunity to do that, you got lucky."

She picked Lauren up and walked down to the basement and dumps her in the middle of the room, then places her heart in a box in her room.

"She may not be dead but this will have to do until I'm able to kill her." Camila growls obviously disappointed that I wasn't able to kill her, but what did she expect I don't have the right tools to do the job.

Thank fuck for that.

Its short I know but I didn't plan on updating today really until I got some random motivation. Anyway I love you kittens byeeee xxxx

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