chapter 9

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"hey sleepy head wake up, we have a long day ahead of us." Lauren shakes my shoulder causing me to open my eyes, and growl. A chuckle escapes the younger Cubans lips. "calm yourself, you need to make sure you have a calm and ready. You my dear are going to have your fist transformation." I furrow my eyebrows and stare at her utterly confused.

"How do you know if that's true or not" I question her. "well it has been three days since the whole incident happened. Three days after an extinct supernatural species return it causes a blood moon." "That's cool" I reply interested with this so called blood moon.

"So how many have there been? And how does this link to when I turn?" I asked trying to understand everything. You know I used to live a somewhat normal life, why did I have to go to that damn feild.

"Well today should be a full moon, and that causes your first transformation. The thing is with hybrids they won't be able to turn back to human form, without submitting to the werewolf that caused it all." I nod taking it all in. Then she continues. "There has been two blood moons one was for the witch that we told you about, then the other was about the succubuses. Now yours will be the third"

Succubuses are real... I thought they where only fake, a mystical creature that doesn't exist. I wonder how many other things that a real, that you, would of thought belonged in a story, or a myth.

"The moon should be here soon" Lauren finaly speaks up. "But I havnt been awake for long" I say confused, like what the hell.

"You have been asleep almost all day my queen. So unfortunately you don't have long to prepare yourself. I'm sorry but we need to do this so it won't hurt you during the process of doing this" Lauren injects my neck with the contents of a syringe.

Slowly my eyes become droopy and I fall forward, causing my face to smack against the floor. The last thing going through my head was. 'Fuck that hurt'

When I wake up I yelp loudly "ouch what the fuck is this!" I shout as pain is around my anckles, thighs, stomach, wrists and neck.

I look in front of me to see a mirror. There are more metal restraints with chains linking them to the wall. There is a wet substance coating the chains. Is this what is causing this pain?

I hiss loudly "p-please make this stop!" The longer I am wake the more it is hurting. Why are they doing this to me?

Lauren and Camila walk in with and sorrow fill their eyes. "I'm sorry sweetheart but this is for your own good" Camila tries to tell me but I don't want to believe that, this amount of pain is more no one good.

All off a sudden my leg snaps and I fall to the floor and scream in pain. Then the other leg does the same. My bones are literally breaking themselves.

Next my arms, my wirsts and ankles, my lower back then the top half and finally my neck snaps up so I'm looking at the two girls.

In the mirror I see eyes turn to a gold on the bottom then red on the top. I growl and I see my canine teeth showing and damn there ugly.

I whimper in pain once more and I close my eyes as I feel something pushing its way out of my skin, it didn't hurt as bad but it was like when you get a needle and you push it through a small layer of skin, so its sideways in your finger.

When I open my eyes I see a wold with black fur staring back at me in the mirror, with drool running down its mouth.

I look up at Lauren and my brain straight away tells me that I should obey orders that are given by her. When I look at Camila she is I'm her wolf form standing infornt if me, as she looks down at me growling.

I'm laying down and the pain shooting through my body is to much, and it leaves me unable to stand. This doesn't stop me from growling at the alpha though.

Her face scrunches as she growls loudly, trying to put me in my place. I don't take any of it. 'Stop. You will submit' a voice echo's through my head followed by a roar my the wolf.

I shakily stand up trying to muster all of the energy I have left, and I let out a growl that shakes the whole room. Slowly Camila bows her head and wimper. I howl in victory.

"Oh no camz... She's going to be stuck like that.. You need to challenge her again and I know how to get you stronger" Lauren says and she glares at me, and in response I snarl back.

Hey, its finally the summer holiday expect more updated from meeee. I love you kittens byeee xxxx

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