Chapter 17

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Quickly Camila charges at us so Tori summons a invisible shield that shimmers every now and then, around us. This makes the furious girl the slam right into the sheild. (This paragraph is so shit I'm sorry lmao)

I turn a way from her and I help Lauren sit up. She looks at me then her eyes divert to Camila, then back at me and sighs.

She slowly walks towards the barrier between us and places her hand on it. I furrow my eyebrows at her actions and the two of girls next to me are looking at her in the same way.

I wonder what is going on inside her head. I expected to wake up and maybe try to get some sort of pay back not do that. I see Camila repeatedly hitting the barrier trying to get in.

I face Tori and mumble "how did she know about my plans?" "Your minds are connected, I don't think they have allowed you into their heads, but they can get into yours seeing as you didn't know. You just got to block them out." She replies and I nod in response.

Doesn't seem that hard to do, yet I learned not to underestimate these girls. I'll never make that mistake again.

I move closer to Lauren but I stop once she started talking. "Camzi... Please calm down... I'm tired of fighting... Please stop" she says softly making me step back in even more shock.

Okay I did not expect that. Maybe this is for the best though. Who am I kidding its definitely for the best if they made up. Its what the world needs. They don't need to be at war anymore.

The brown eyes girl stops moving and slowly starts to tear up and she looks at the older girls sincere look. "I want the girl I fell in love with... I want the goofy and clumsy Camila back... The one that always wore bows and they were some times to big for her head..." Lauren rests her forehead on the barrier 

Hesitantly Camila places her hand on the barrier where Laurens is and rests her forehead where's hers is "lolo...." "Yes camzi" I smile at the interaction between the two.

"I miss you" Lauren smiles brightly. Woah I never seen her smile so much. This is definitely the best thing that can happen to the two... Hell maybe they will fall in love again and no longer need me. I think its safe to say that the war is soon coming to an end.

"I miss you too" I nod towards Tori and she realises the shield that is holding the two apart.

The second it was taken down they engulf each other in a hug. "The whole time I was in that coma I was reliving our memories of us when we was together" the vampire explain making Camila smile and tear up.

"I'm sorry I made y/n almost kill you" "I'm sorry we broke the wall" I laugh but quickly cover my mouth once I realised that someone other then Tori made me laugh.

The two girls turn to face me as they look at me in awe and open there arms at me. I go to look at Tori and Normani but they are no longer there.

I face back to the girls and they were just staring at each other and they both nod at the same time.

Where they talking to each other using that mind reading shit or something. I'm not sure but I think that is what is happening.

"Come here Luna we are going to share you peacefully" "excuse me?" I say agitated. I'm not some thing they can pass between themselves.

Hey sorry for the shitty chapter I'll try better next time. Sorry for the mistakes and I love u kittens see u tuesdayyyy xxx

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