chapter 32

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I look around, and I have to admit it this places isn't as eye dazzling as I would have thought. When I think of the home of angles, I imagine pure white buildings, maybe a light peach. I would have thought the buildings would be extremely futuristic, but it's not. It's just like if you was to go to New York, though instead of normal buildings they are made out of glass.

Everyone around me disperses, in the hunt for angles. I can only hope this goes well, normally I would have made a plan, but I've grown a fondness to y/n/n's method of just going in and just fucking shut up.

I look down at mine and Camila's hands, then up to her eyes. "Do you want to stick with me or go by yourself" "if it's ok I'll go by myself" I nod to her as she lets go of my hand.

Her eyes flash over gold and a growl escapes her lips, she backs up slowly and goes into her wolf form. I stroke her head and mumble knowing perfectly well she can hear me clearly "go get her girl"

Now let's do this.

Camila POV:

"Go get her girl" Lauren whispers under her breath, and that was my signal to do whatever it takes as long as I get my Luna back, and I will stop at nothing.

My moping around constantly won't be for nothing, the heartbreak won't be for nothing. I will use all my pain and misery to inflict it on the ones that did this to me. It will be the fuel to my battery.

I look towards the glass castle with shards sticking out everywhere "okay Elsa calm down" I think to myself as the Disney film comes to mind. All jokes aside this castle is the most likely place she will, like if I was to have a dormant hybrid and a huge castle, I would shove it deep in the castle so that means the basement.

I feel my eyes glow as the thought of finding y/n brushes through my mind. I charge into the direction where my gut is telling me to go, dodging the fighting that is happening around me focusing on getting there as fast as possible.

Before I could reach it I see an angel flying directly towards me, instinctively I pounce full force; pushing all my weight ontop of them. They struggle keeping themselves above the ground as I sink my teeth into their neck so my teeth are securely wrapped around the spine; flinnging my body around them, leaving a clean break.

The lifeless body falls to the floor, as I leap off them before it lands on me. Licking my teeth collecting more of the taste of blood as I continue to my journey inside.

To no suprise I wasn't the only one searching within this building, this place was crawling with the supernatural. My only hope is that no one has been able to find the basement.

I stand by the entrance breathing in collecting all the different smells within the building. My nose is overwhelmingly filled with the stench of angels, and all the other species that is in the building.

Just before it was about to give up, a particular scent hit me, different to everything else here. Something that stands out like a sore thumb. A smell that means the whole world to me. Y/n.

I try to block out every other stench that isn't hers. Slowly I start to follow the her scent, while avoiding contact with everyone else. If some dumb ass angel tries to attack me I will be so pissed. I am so close, I don't need them things holding me back.

I need to find her first, I need her to see me first, I need her to see how much she means to me, I need her to know I am the one that saved her..

I need to be her hero.

It might be selfish but I don't care, this hasn't effected anyone else the way it has with me. Like I said before I'm not letting that go to waste I will use that, but I need her to know I had the most motivation to even find her.

Suddenly her scent gets stronger and my head shoots up, and my eyes land on a set of stairs leading into blackness. I knew it.

I carefully make my way down the steps, almost forgetting how hard it is to do this while I'm in this form. I reach the bottom and touches light up by themselves.

This is some satanic shit right here. Seems like there is going to be some sort of ritual at the end of this hallway.

Discarding that thought I continue my search; picking up my pace the stronger the smell gets, and adrenaline runs through my veins.

There is only one door at the end of the corridor. I put my head down and charge full speed at the door, breaking straight through it on impact.

I shake my head quickly trying to ignore the pain. When my head looks up, I see a life less body on the table Infront of me.

Slowly I transform back to normal not caring about the lack off clothes that are now on me. I slowly walk up to her and tear up, as I caresses her cheek. I will find your heart my love.

I scan around the room, and a small box is placed up upon the shelf. I walk over to it and take a sniff. That's her smell alright.

I go to open the box to find out that it is locked. "I'm sorry baby" I mumble to myself as u throw the box against the wall.

Wood flys everywhere and her heart falls straight to the floor. I frown to myself about the fact I literally just threw her heart against the wall. Like I know she can't feel that I did that but the thought of it isn't exactly the best.

I pick up her heart and place it in the gaping hole in her chest. I watch her chest regenerate, then stare at her face expectingly.

A loud gasp escapes her lips, she shoots up, looking around her. Then she looks at me and she smiles and jumps on me. "Camila..." She mumbles.

"Yes Luna?" "Where am I? And why are you naked?" She laughs at me. And I smile at her as I kiss her head.

"We are in the angle territory." "Oh" she says in realisation, most likely remembimg what had happened that day when she was taken.

'Lauren I found her we are in the basement let everyone know they can leave or stay' I tell lauren as I wrap my arms round y/n for her only to go limp in my arms again.

The only this difference is I can no longer feel her life force that used to let us know she was alive.

"Y/N/N WAKE UP!! WHATS HAPPENING?" Her heart is in her body why isn't she moving? Why can't I feel your life force? Y/n why is this happening?

Lauren appears in the room with a confused look "Lauren teleport us back right now, we need to get to Tori right now!" She doesn't question she just warps her arms around us and teleport us.

Waiting there for us is Tori. "I felt something what happened?" I hold Y/n out to her and she places her hand on her chest and closes her eyes.

When she opens her eyes she starts crying "how? She's dead? They never had the weapon to even kill her!" She starts getting angrier. "Tori she was awake and talking to me then she collapsed.."

A sigh of relief exits her mouth causing Lauren to speak up "she's dead and your relieved about it! What is wrong with you! Wasn't she your best friend?!" She hisses and she grips onto y/n lifeless hand.

"You'll see her soon" Tori implies.

Well the story has finally finished, there will be a sequel coming out soon and I'm determined to be better my friend will make the cover then the first chapter will be released. I LOVE YOU KITTENS! XXXXX

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