chapter 12

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I make my way down stairs with Tori by my side. I glance into the living room to notice no one is there. Okay, I guess their chilling in the kitchen then. I wonder why they want, or Camila more like, wants me down here with them.

We enter the kitchen and straight away Tori gets yanked from my grasp, and Camila takes her place by my side. Protectively she wraps her arm around my waist, then kisses my cheek. "How is my little Luna doing?" before I could even get a word out Lauren appears on the other side of me, and does the exact same thing as her past lover. "how are you my queen?" 

"first of all, give me my fucking space. Secondly, if I'm with Tori don't take her away from me, so you can feel better about yourself. Thirdly, I'm exhausted mentally, and physically because of you two." I give both of them a short look, before I take myself from there grip.

"Get back her now" she growls, and you could almost see the authority dripping from her mouth. I go to make a snarky comment back, but instead I  find myself walking back to her. 

A victorious smile places its self upon her lip as she jumps on me, and gives me a koala hug. "what was that?" I ask slowly and cautiously, highly confused to what just happened to me. "not to be mean or anything Y/n/n, but are you retarded. We told you about compulsion and what it does. Maybe use your brain next time dumb ass" Lauren says, and I roll my eyes in return. Here I thought she was going to be nice from now on.

Look back towards Camila, to see her starring at me. Somehow I find myself getting lost in her eyes. I don't understand how people can find brown eyes boring. I'm looking into her eyes and I can see all of her emotions dancing around in them.

Happiness, worry... And love? No I must me over analysing it wrong. No way she can feel that by looking at me. I don't want that. With the time I've spent here I can tell she's a sweet girl, she's going to get her heart broken.

She leans in close to me, and I try to move away yet I can't. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Wait maybe its because I'm compelled and she wasn't released me from it? Yeah maybe thats it.

The closer she got, the more I find myself staring at her lips. I do have to admit they look so kissable... It wouldn't harm anyone.

She leans in fully and connects our lips together. I felt a shock going up my body, and if I had my tail It feels like it would be wagging furiously right now.

I start to kiss back as she reaches up to cup my cheek, and caresses it softly.  Right now I dont think I have felt any safer then I do at this moment.

She slowly disconnects our lips from the small kiss, one word left my mouth. "wow."

Camila chuckles "wow indeed."

A short chapter today I am sorry I have been busy for once in my life. I apologize for mistakes and I love you kittens xxxxxx

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