chapter 15

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All night I was up worrying about the girl who is in a coma until her heart is back in her chest. All fucking night. I never thought it would effect me this much, I hated her.

Now its Camila I'm unsure of. Who would know that she would be capable of making me do that? I sure as hell didn't.

To make it worse she is being cold, just like Lauren was at the beginning. She would also smirk to herself a lot. She is proud of what she had made me do, and she doesn't even attempt to hide it. I want to wake Lauren up she didn't deserve this.

A hand runs up and down my side as I stare at the box that contains Laurens heart. If I want that heart I need to get out of her view which has been proven to be hard. "Morning Luna." She kisses the back of my neck causing me to tense up.

"come on let's go get some breakfast" I turn around to face her and I reply to her order "I miss Lolo's breakfasts" I see the hint of hurt cover her face. Mission accomplished.

"Well tough she's gone, and when did you start calling her Lolo. You hate her." "Well I realised she wasn't that bad of a person. Yes you may think so she killed your parents, but let's real if you was in her position at that time you would've done the same."

She lays there looking at me not knowing exactly to say as a come back I know for a fact that she knows I'm right. I do have a point. She would've lost it and done the same. If she was willing to betray the one she loved to get revenge and actually try to kill her, then she would have definitely done the same.

I get up and walk down the the kitchen, then started cooking pancakes and bacon, knowing that she is following me. "Can I hav-" "yes karla you can have bananas on yours" I roll my eyes as I flip the pancakes.

I hear her growl slightly under her breath and the sound of her feet tapping impatiently. I shake my head as I place the pancakes onto a plate as I quickly chop up a banna. I place the pieces of banana onto her pancakes, then I place the bacon onto both of ours.

I place the plate in front of her and she starts eating quickly "mmm this is great Luna" she looks up at me and smiles.

I give her a slight smile back as I slowly start to eat my own food, that is sitting in front of me. "Thanks" I nod without looking at her.

"Oh I almost forgot I'm going out tonight to go to see an old friend of mine. I won't be home till late so hold the fort for me yeah" I smile "ok I will" I smile alittle more after I respond.

I'm going to fix what I have done and she won't be here to stop me. Plan to save Lauren is a go.

I smile at Camila and she sends an obviously fake smile back then she gets up and storms out.

What's her problem.
Hey I know this is short but I'm so stressed lately. I'm thinking about making a schedule for the times I update.

So you guys can pick which one u want.
1. Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays Sundays
2. Tuesdays, Thursdays Sunday.
3. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays

Ok well I fucking love u kittens byeeeeeeeeeeeee xxxx

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