chapter 20

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It's been two days since I agreed to letting them share me, and let me tell you, I don't think I have ever been as happy as I have been for these last two days.

To make it even better Tori said she will be coming down for the day today. The down side to that is Normani will be there, and for some reason she does NOT like me. I don't know what I have done to her, to get her to not like me.

I feel a pair of arms snake round my waist, and the smell of freh bananas fill my nose.

I chuckle slightly "been at the bananas again I see" "hey they are just so tempting. They were sitting there saying 'eat me'. Sooo I ate them" Camila giggles.

"Sure babe" I shake my head as she kisses the back of my neck. I look down and continue to read my book.

There was a moment of silence until she broke it "soooo... Why on earth are you reading while standing up. Normal people sit down to read." "Welllllll I forgot I was standing" I shrugs and lean backwards into her as her grip on me tightens.

She laughs at my response "how does someone forget that there standing?" I shrug once more and I close my eyes.

"You're always hogging y/ns cuddles, it's not fairrr" I hear the familiar raspy voice echo through the room causing me to smile. "Well your always working on how your going to take back the other regions, soooo more cuddles for me" Camila sticks her tongue out and it touches my neck slightly.

"Eww no. Nope. Nada. That's disgusting" I squirm out of her grip and cringe. "No come backkk" she tries to pull me back into her embrace and I hide behind Lauren.

"Laurrrrr saveee meeeee" I whine and  she picks me up bridal style and runs "I'll protect you from the big bad wolf" I giggle and hold onto her tightly "my saviour"

Out of nowhere a puff of smoke appears and Tori and Normani stands there in front of us, scaring the shit out of both of us. Causing Lauren to drop me.

"Wow such a hero" I roll my eyes and stand up, while dusting myself off.  "Fucking pussy" "I heard that y/f/n" Lauren says sternly and Tori giggles.

Camila finally catches up to us "damn vampire speed" she huffs then notices our guests "oh hey girls" she waves happily.

"Girls I have some bad news for you three let's go to the living room to talk" I look at Tori concerned and talks a hold of her hand as we all walk to the living room. The whole time Normani followed behind us and glared at me.

We all sit down, I was about to sit next to my best friend but Camila pulls me onto her lap and tells me that she got her cuddles back.

"Ok so y/n remember when u ran away and you recorded that video. Well I did send it but I brain washed them to think it was fake, because I would've felt like a bad friend if I didn't at least send it." I nod as she continues. "Ok so I brought this up as it has something to your death"

"No that's impossible, y/n is one of the hardest things to kill. To kill her they have to get the enchantments off you" Lauren says with high concern about my safety and Tori puts her head down.

"I owe the council and they asked for the weapons to kill all three of you but I said I can only give them one. And well they wanted the one for y/n. This all started because someone saw her marks that shows that she's your mate and that she's a hybrid. Since you can only make hybrids from humans they told the council that you broke the contract. They won't let it slide. You know the angels are content on keeping to the law that you guys have formed from the contract. They are going to wipe out all the vampires and the werewolves in this town with the help of the humans, and to teach you to a lesson they are going to kill y/n" Tori explain and I sigh as I look down.

This is my fault.. if I never came down the stairs this wouldn't of happened.  Lauren will lose apart of he only region she is incontrol of and Camila loses a part of her pack.

Camila tigètens her grip on me and whispers "it's going to be ok." She then raises her voice so Tori can hear "can you send a message to my pack in this city to go into hiding. They will know where to go." Tori nods and looks over to Lauren to hear her request.

"I'm going to leave them to die. They are the ones that caused this to happen. They can pay for there actions. We are going to move though and we will take over the starlight region."

Hey I did a longer update yayyyyyy. But anyway I hope u liked this chapter I love you kittens bye xxxx

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