chapter 23

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"Um... you do know that Ally still has nothing on right" I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly, as I divert my eyes away from the couple. "That maybe a little bit of an issue." The smaller girl laughs, while looking at Tori with loving eyes. I'm going to throw up rainbows I these two carry on acting this gay.

Tori leans down and picks up her bag, taking out some clothing. She passes Ally the clothing slowly and places a delicate kiss on her head. 

"Hey y/n/n turn around while she gets changed" I put my hands up in defence and turn around. "It's not like I was looking at her shesh, I'm not like some pervert that would be checking out a girl that is technically a zombie, and my best friends wife" I hear the two chuckle slightly at the way I reacted.

After a few minutes we teleport to the bunker and sit on the sofa as I try to get to know the girl I have heard many stories about. When she found out who I was she was shocked that Tori managed to find me let alone befriend me after she found out my condition.

She has such a friendly ora, I would've thought she could never harm a fly if I didn't know she was a witch. Some how she gives off the sense of secureness, and that I could tell her anything even though I've known her for a maximum of thirty minutes. No wonder Tori chose her. She's such a sweetheart. 

"hey! y/n! Lolo! I'm home!" Camila shouts as she runs into the living room, and literally launches herself onto me. "oh my god! Camila, get your fat ass off of me!" I laugh, as she pouts and sits next to me.

Ally looks at us happily, and that is the moment Camila notices she is in the same room with us. "Is this some sort of cruel joke" She growls lowly not liking someone pulling a joke about her old best friend being brought back from the dead.

"It really is me Mila, can't you recognise me by my scent. It's still the same, Tori and y/n brought me back today" Ally walks towards me and Camila then kneeled down in front of the girl next to me. "It's still the same me and its not going to change." she says comfortingly.

Camila breathes in heavily taking in her scent, then sighs in content. "I've missed you so damn much"  and just like that she jumps onto her, taking Ally into her embrace. 


hey I know this is short but someone decided to call me so I'm highly distracted right know and I want to update today. so I apologize. I love you kittens byeeeee XXXXXXXXXX

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