chapter 13

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Its been a week since I kissed Camila, and things have been going in a bad direction, which may lead to a bad result at the end. What's the problem you may ask. Well it's a short and simple answer.


Ever since me and Camila shared the kiss she has become distant. That msh not seem bad but it really is. She disappears all day then comes back with two to three succubuses every night. Then the next day we watch her drag their bodies through the house, whipping blood a way from her mouth.

Thankfully Dinah and Tori left a few hours later after the kiss. I wouldn't like to see how Tori reacts. I don't want to see the out come. Seeing as Tori created the succubuses and she's rather close to the one she first created.

To make things a little worse, when I'm around Camz I start to feel things. I don't understand what's happening, I thought I hated her, yet I end up finding myself smiling.

She makes me smile, laugh and actually enjoy the time I spend here. I can tell there's a dark and brutal side of her, she hides it well though. What she can't hide well is her feelings towards Lauren. Its obvious to me now that she acts the way she does for revenge, but she doesn't hate the girl. She loves her still infact, and the thought of her loving Lauren I don't know its not a too feeling. Its the same of the thought that Lauren could possibly still love her, it makes me annoyed and mad.

That's all Lauren does she makes me feel but she makes me feel mad. That's what she does. It makes me so mad what she's doing. I want the nice Lauren back not the one that almost killed me.

"Bye bitches I hope you have a fun fucking all day!" Lauen shouts from downstairs, thinking that me and Camila are with eachother.

No. Not again. She's not going out then come back with the succubuses to fuck them and kill then after. I'm putting a stop to this. This is not going to happen anymore. She's going to start another fucking war, and the opposing side has my best friend and most powerful being on the earth on there side. She had no chance.

I use my newly gained speed to rush down the stairs and slam her into the wall, and with the amount of power I put into it threw us through the wall so I had her pinned down.

Good thing Camila is out hunting otherwise she would be so pissed at me. "Stop with this shit Lauren! Your out of control! This needs to end!" I boom at her, making her laugh at me.

"You grew a back bone. Good for you, maybe you won't be such a pathetic hybrid after all." She pushes me off hard, making me fly off her.

I land on my feet and glare at her, then she carries on "you have Camila anyway so you shouldn't worry about what I do. Plus you guys can just kiss so you don't have to think about me.

"Oh so this is what its about! The fucking kiss! God Lauren you don't have to do this to get back at us! Fucking hell you annoy me so much at times" I growl and shake my head.

"Yes its about the kiss, you kiss her and you won't kiss me, and annoyed is not good enough. 'I'm going to make you so mad'" she turns around so she can leave, but instead I speed off in front of her and kisses her.

She quickly kisses back but I pull away. "Theres your fucking kiss now no more killings" I tell her but she shakes her head "I loved the kiss and I will stop though 'I've been waiting, I've been patient but I need a little bit more'" she says softly as she reconnects our lips gently.

Slowly the slow and innocent kiss turned into a heated and rushes make out. Surprisingly I loved it, I loved ever second of it.

She runs her hands a down to my lower back, and slyly slips her finger tips into my jeans. I don't stop her though, I'm to into what is happening between us.

"What the hell is happening here!" A growl fills the room and we both turn to face Camila, who has her one golden and one blood red eye showing. "Shit" Lauren mumbles.

"You're not stealing her from me! Not like you did with my family! Your so dead Jauregui!"

Hey kittens I've updated woooooo. I actually did something with my life. Also the shaddeeeeeeeee the girls did at the VMAs like woah. Dont get me wrong I fucking love camz and I miss her being apart of fifth harmony. Personally I find it amusing. Taylor swifts new song and music video for look what you made me do 😍😍😍. I love the new fifth harmony album tooooo. But anyway I love u kittens byeee xxx

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