chapter 19

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I sigh as I lay back against the headboard “why does this have to happen to me. Why am I so conflicted about all of this, I should hate them and that’s it. That’s how it should be. Not me trying to figure out my damn feelings. Though at the end of the end of the day it’s my fault, I’m the one that became soft towards them. No one asked me to do that, and I sure as hell didn’t want to.

I jump up slightly as I here the front door open then shut, then a male voice echoes through the house. I make my way down stairs and I hear shout “Why are you here with the werewolves, My majesty their meant to be the enemy and your here with the LEADER on your lap” Ok someone’s a little mad.

I walk into the living room and Camila and Lauren widen there eyes and shakes their head, as If to tell me to go back upstairs. Before I could even act the vampire turns to me, and looks at me shocked as he stares at my arms.

I furrow my eyebrows and look down at my tank top noticing that my marks the two imprinted on me are showing. I mumble a little “ohhhh” When I look back at the stranger, to see him glaring at the couple.

Just like that he zooms out the door, and Camila rushes of Lauren’s lap and cups my cheeks. She stares into my eyes while caressing my cheek, causing me to lean into her hand and close my eyes.

Ok I know what I said but this is nice. Being able to be like this with them. It makes me... Happy. Yeah that’s the right word. And I never felt this safe with anyone. I’m normally cautious of everyone and every little thing that happens around me. Just not when I’m here with them.

Maybe just maybe I should take them up on the offer. I’ve never felt like before and it’s a good feeling, that I’ve never had a chance to experience it. If I do this I will, and I will also be able to feel how everyone else does for once.

I lean in slowly and connect our lips gently, and I close my eyes. I feel her look at me shocked then start to kiss back, caressing my cheek even more. She smiles into the kiss then pulls away.

“Where did that come from” she asks surprised “my heart” I simply replied and turn my gaze to Lauren, who has a heart warming smile on her face. I feel the butterflies in my stomach go even more crazy and I even feel a little head on my cheeks. Now that is definitely new.

“Awww y/n/n your blushing” Lauren coos as she walks towards me. “does this mean you changed your mind about this whole situation” she continues. I pretended to think, and their smiles drop slightly.

“Of course it does you idiot” I roll my eyes causing her to raise her eyebrows and shake her head at me “don’t push your luck with me child” Camila laughs at Lauren’s response.

“Laur you sound like our old teacher” Camila giggles and wipes a fake tear from her eye. “Umm Camila it’s not that funny” I say as I give her a judgemental look.

I apologize for the short chapter but j just wanted to squeeze one in today. I'll possibly update again as an apologies for not updating for a while. But knowing my lazy ass it won't happen. I love you kittens xxxxxxxxx

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