Chapter 4

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I know I said I wouldn't escape, and I'm keeping to that word. Lets just say I need some entertaining, cause so far it seems like there is nothing to do. Also if I'm being honest, two days is to much with them, they press all my buttons but in the wrong way. Their just highly annoying thinking that I will pick one of them, but I'm not doing shit.

I'm not complaining but they haven't even shown up yet and I've been walking around aimlessly, waiting for them to find me. I think its been about what two hours since I walked out of that damn house and they haven't even noticed I left. Cause if they noticed they would have found me within seconds of noticing my disappearance.

A bright light was there in front of me and I knew it wasn't a torch or some what like that, It was what you call the sun. I am at the end of this creepy ass forest, I can't be happier as I was getting really bored just staring at trees all this time.

I step out of the forest and onto a pavement, and let me tell you the luck I have. Here I am standing in front of my old school. The question that I can't get out my head was 'are they really that stupid to kidnap me then keep me near a familiar place, where I have a friend who can tell the superior.   

Ohhhhh I'm going to get them to into much shit so they never bother me again. They are kinda breaking the contract between our races, they are so fucked. I can get them executed, I will never have to see them again in my life.

Ok enough standing still and realizing how stupid the pair is, and let's start heading to Tori's house it's only down the road.

I walk past the gate of the school and scoff, too much drama happened in that place. Well the same thing happens in every school, but tje amount of fights I had got into was way to many.

About five minutes later I'm in front of her door. I reach up to the hanging flower basket, and take out the spare house key. I unlock the door then place the key back where I got it.

I smile brightly "honey I'm home!" I listen to my voice echo through the house and then the footsteps storming down the stairs.

The blond haired singer is there standing at the bottom and the stairs with furrowed eyebrows. She shakes her head and hugs me.

"Why the hell haven't you returned my mes-" she pauses and pulls away "why do you have bite marks on your neck" her voice raises angerly, knowing what had caused it.

"I was kidnapped but the all mighty alpha everyone loves and the queen of the blood suckers. I'm there mate" I roll my eyes and Tori laughs at me.

"Don't lie to me y/n" "I'm not lying, I can prove it" "the bite mark doesn't prove anything" she replies quickly with her arms crossed.

Let me tell you, you never lie to this girl. She will turn green like the hulk from how mad she will get at you

I pull up my sleeve to reveal the Alpha mating mark then I reveal my shoulder where the Queen of Vampire mating mark is.

"Believe me now." Her mouth drops open and nods quickly, so I continue "take a picture of the marks, then go to the superior and show them and tell them I have been kidnapped and they have broken the contract. I won't be staying for long they will find me. That part is obvious. I kinda pissed them off before I left, so this would make them even more mad. I left while they was arguing" I explain.

"There going to kill you" she says worriedly "they won't I'm there mate they wouldn't dare to. But Lauren she's not afraid to hurt me, you can see that from the bite mark. And actually record me now quickly" "okay?"

She takes out her phone then nods to show me its recording. "Hi my name is y/f/n as you can tell I have to marks and there the unique ones that belong to the leaders of the vampires and the werewolves. I am human so I don't understand how this happened. But they had kidnapped me, I have been abused by Lauren the vampire queen, Camila isn't that bad but she had slammed me into a wall before I managed to leave without them noticing. They will find me and I probably won't see the outside world again, but you can't let them get away with breatking the agreement we had between them. Please I need the help" I finish and Tori ends the recording.

She hugs me and the front door comes flying off the hinges and right past us. I turn around to see the two people I didn't want to see, and there eyes were glowing like mad. This is the moment y/n realised she fucked up. Kiddind aside they look so pissed.

"Hello girls" I wave at them and look at Tori and she looks petrified. I caresses her cheek "its ok don't be scared there not here for you"

Somebody grabs my wrist and then claws dig into my arm. I hiss from the pain "god back off Camila" I say without even having to look to see who it is.

"No we are going home and we are going to have a 'talk'" she growls and says the word talk suspiciously. Yeah that's not going to be a talk.

"Wait a second" I talk back and put my forehead on Toris and look at her lips. Oooo this will be a great way to piss them of.

"Don't you dare!" Lauren shouts obviously noticing where I'm looking. I smirk and kiss the girl I call my best friend.

Straight away so goes to kiss back but I get thrown off her, and Tori runs up the stairs. The girls stand next to me and look down to see me smirking.

"Wow humans are stupid. Your so going to regret that, you would of wished the thought off kissing her didn't even pop up in that pathetic brain of yours" Lauren spits then punches me hard square in the face knocking me out instantly

Welp that's that. Tori is going to give the recorded message in and the girls r in shit but so is y/n. What do u think is going to happen. Welllllll I love u kittens byeeeee xxxxxxx

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