chapter 25

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I walk towards him, and grab him by his hair then use my speed to run far away from the palace. It's funny to look back at him, seeing as I'm way faster then a normal vampires speed, his feet are off the ground. It reminds me of a kite flapping in the wind. It's an amusing sight really.

"Y/n get back here right now. I swear if you ruin my plan your in deep shit." Lauren tells me sternly but I choose to ignore her, and use the telekinesis to contact Camila.

"Hey camzi. Use your connections to get as many vampires in this area to the Big Ben. Also get Lauren down here. Everyone needs to see her kill their leader." "Ok.." she hesitantly replies.

See my plan worked out. Yes I didn't think it through enough. Yes things didn't exactly go the way I planned. Yes Lauren is probably going to kill me. But hey at least I got the fucker.

I finally come to a stop and I grab him by the neck, while he struggles to get out of my grip "ok. I swear to God if you don't stop stop struggling, I will kill you myself, and if I do that I will make sure it will be extremely painful." I pull him closer " you would regret the day you ever decided to take over this region. Hell I bet you are already. The most powerful vampire out there is on their way to kill you, because you took something that belongs to her. Did you really think that she would just let it slide. No. After you we're going after the over dumb asses who also took over what is hers. She trusted you to follow her command not make your own. Lauren a e her family worked so hard to build up the vampire community and idiots like you ruin it. "

I look at to see hundreds of vampires and werewolves surrounding us, all whispering about how the only hybrid in the world is holding the leader of vampires of this region by the neck. My eyes slowly land on Camila and I smile to myself. "Come here camzi" I say and she walks over to  me and kisses me on the cheek.

"You know Lauren is going to be extremely pissed off at you right." "Oh I know but it's worth it in the end. I've saved so much hassle, look how easy it was to catch him, it was like a click of my fingers" I smile proudly at her, making her laugh and shake her head at me.

"You are fully aware you can't even click your fingers right. I've watched you attempt to do it many times yet you have never been able to do it." I growl at her playfully "shut up dogs breath" " are you also aware that you are also a werewolf and that makes you the exact same" I roll my eyes at her.

Why does she have to use logic, like come one Camila let me have this one. It's not fair she always has to smack me in the face with the logic card, even though she is the most goofiness girl I know she has to use the facts with me. It would be nice if she went along with it for once, like let me have my point child.

Out of nowhere Lauren appeared in front of us, and let me tell you I've never seen her so mad, and that's saying something. I chuckle nervously "hey Laur happy birthday I got you a present" I joke around trying to lift the mood. However she did not look amused in then slightest, in fact I think it added to her rage. That is not a good sign and I don't think it ever will be. The thing that is confusing me is how can someone look so intimidating when mad but also look cute as fuck. Maybe it's just me and she just looks intimidating. "No it's not just you she's so cute when mad" "get out my head camzi seriously can a girl have privacy in her own thoughts" she giggles next to me and I smile slightly forgetting about the fuming girl right in front of us.

Lauren grabs him out of my hand and glades at him. "Hello Brad did you have a nice time ruling apart of MY empire. I really hope so cause it all ends here." Before could we anything she rips his head clean of his body. She then starts talking about how vampires and werewolves will be living in harmony together, and how things will be running from here on out, but I'm not listening.

My focus is on the little girl I had seen previously, but one thing was different. Her eyes. They're emerald green now. They remind me of Laurens in a way. I slowly walk towards her and kneels down in front of her. This time the scent I'm picking up is a vampires, though that chocolate smell is still filling my nose.

"Hey there sweety what's your name" I ask softly smiling at her warmly. It's odd I'm able to show emotion to this little girl I have only seen once before. What is so special about her, she makes me so curious. I need to know who she is and why she is appearing in different ways.

"Don't be silly mummy its me Angelica." I step back quickly and stare at her cautiously. I'm pretty sure I would be aware of I was a fucking mother. Angelica steps to the side to reveal the blue eyed werewolf who I was before. "And this is Abigail my twin" I don't say anything I just stare at the two. "Please wake up mummy, please we miss you"

I'M BACK GUYS I'M SO HAPPY TO SAY THAT I'VE MISSED UPDATING SO MUCHHH. Ok so I hope you enjoyed this chapter I love you kittens.

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