chapter 3

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My eyes flutter open as I stretch my arms out in front of me, but get stopped by an object or should I say a person. Shit I actually feel asleep next to this monster, I stare at her trying to figure out what this girl is dreaming about. By the seems of it, it looks like she is having a great dream due to the fact she is smiling like a five year old on laughing gas.   

"hmm you really are a strange human, its normally a vampire thing to watch people while they sleep." Lauren pauses for a second and smirks, as I slowly turn my head to look at her. "maybe this is a sign that you belong to me, you already have the vampire traits."

When she finishes the sentence she appears on her hands and knees leaning close to my face, I stare at her blankly not fazed at the fact she pooped up in front of me with no warning. Her smirk grows as she sees my facial expression. "see your so cold, I love that about you. Its like you don't feel anything. My god would you make an excellent vampire." she tilts her head and shows her fangs.

"let me turn you into something great. You and I can do so much, we could win the great war together. You will have everything you will ever ask for, just within a click of a finger. You will be treated like a queen" she finishes and puts her fangs by my neck.

A pair of arms pull me onto there lap as I furrow my eyebrows. what in the actual fuck just happened. Oh. Camila. I forgot about the sleeping alpha next to me, well the alpha that was sleeping that is.

"Seriously what the hell is wrong with you Lauren" Camila asks irritated. "leave the poor girl alone, let her get to know us before you try to fucking turn her into a damn blood sucker. And we both know that she would not be treated like a queen. You would lock her away so no one can lay a hand on her. If she was to turn into a werewolf she would be treated much better. She would be treated with the up most respect, and be a leader by my side. Me and her are equals, neither one of us is better" she glares at the raven haired girl. 

"Will you both stop talking like I'm not even fucking here! I am sick and tired of it, and I've only been here for two days! and most of the first day I was knocked out! so will you just let me leave I want nothing to do with you desperate hoes!" I shout and stand up. Frustration. Frustration is the only thing I'm feeling right now and to get an emotion out of me they must be really annoying me.   

Camila looks at me hurt. Huh weird. For someone who doesn't know me she sure does take offence. She's ment to be the big bad wolf for crying out loud.

And Lauren she looks so fucking pissed right now. I'm sure anyone would be trembling with fear while I'm looking at her with an raised eyebrow.

I get slammed into the wall "let go of her Lauren. Right now!" Lauren groans "come one puppy she needs to learn she can't talk to us like that. She needs to be tamed just like you mutts" this is when Camila slowly starts to lose her cool.

I laugh in response of Laurens comment and the reaction of Camila. Her face has gone so red and her eyes have changes colour.

Her head snaps in my direction and she glares at me. "And what do you find so funny!" She pushes the taller girl off me and grabs me by my neck and let's her claws come out a little.

"I've only been nice to you but in return I get this!" "She doesn't like you, you fucking idiot" "Shut up Lauren you worthless piece of shit! I'm only putting up with you for her. And you don't even care about her." She turns her focus into the vampire.

I shake my head and walk out the house. I want to have some fun and see how long it takes them to stop arguing and notice I'm gone then find me.

I need my fun somehow. I guess I will have to deal with this to be it. But I know for sure there no escape.

I know a lot of arguments and shit is happing rn but what do u expect when u have to enemy's in the same house lol. But I love you kittenssss byeeeeee xxx

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