chapter 27

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Arrows fire everywhere as we run as fast as we possibly can. Angles with swords made of lightning, swoop down from the skies trying to slice us, only for us to dodge them as well. They may have the strength on their side; it counts for nothing if they can't hit their target. That's where we have an advantage, we are faster then they will ever be. Even if they move as fast as they can they still won't be able to catch us.I

My eyes divert to the side of me to see Lauren running full speed with a panicked expression on her face that I've never seen her have before this moment. I really did fuck up didn't I. Next my eyes divert down to see Camila in my arms, causing me to sigh. She isn't as fast as me and Lauren so I had picked her up in my arms and ran. I wasn't going to leave her by herself at risk at being caught. It slows me down but all it does is out me at the same speed as Lauren.

"Y/n look out!" Camila shouts as she points to something behind me. I try to speed up; instead an arrow goes straight into my right leg. The electrical arrow head shoots electricity up my leg to buckle in. In a panic I shout to Lauren, and she stops to look at me. I throw Camila to her after muttering a sorry.

Lauren catches her in a swift movement and stays there starring "run! Now!" I scream as another arrow is shot into me this time in my back paralyzing me.

Earlier that day

"Normani look after y/n while I'm out!" Lauren shouts " she might kill some important person otherwise! " just like that she zooms out the bunker, while I roll my eyes. Great now it's like I need some sort of babysitter to look after me. Also out of anything why does it have to be Normami, don't get me wrong I like her and all but I'm pretty sure she hates my living guts. I don't even know why she would hate me, I haven't ever done anything to her in my existence.

I turn on the tv as I take a sip out off my cup of blood. It still grossess me out, the thought of drinking someone's blood to keep myself alive but unfortunately it is necessary for me to do this. On the bright side at least it tastes good. To me that is. If a human or werewolf was to drink this they would be revolted. I don't blame them one bit to be highly honest.

Normani walks in and sits on the other sofa after throwing me a quick glare before focusing on the tv. I roll my eyes at her and lean back further into the sofa.

"What is your problem with me seriously. I have done nothing to you, yet you treat me like the worst person to ever walk the earth." I ask finally fed up with the way she acts towards me for no reason what's so ever. If I had done something I would rather her fucking tell me what I did so we could at least sort this out one way or another.

"You have done shit to me you just would never realise. You ruined everything since the moment you was born. Me and Tori have been best friends ever since she had created me. We was the bestest of friends, inseparable. I would always go with her on her quests, even after I found Dinah I still spent most of my time with Tori. She was the join most important person in my life. At the time I believed that she would never leave me no matter what was going to happen. She would stick by me. However I no longer believe that. That thought was crushed by you! You ruined it all between us. Once she found out you was born she would always be searching, casting spells or going through family trees to find you. At that point I didn't like the thought of you even being a thing that is alive in this world. My best friend would hardly notice my existence, she was too caught up in her search to pay attention. All to find you. Then when she did find you she joined your school and spent every day with you even after school. She sent me back down to hell to hang around waiting for her beckoning call. Then when she did call me to join her up on the surface, all she would talk about is you. Not ask how I was; not what I was up to lately, but it was all about what you two was up to and how u was. I wasn't even able to spend time with my wife because she sent me down because she didn't want me around." She rants to me, while staring me dead in the eye.

I look down and softly say "it wasn't my fault if I knew about you at that time, I would have made her spend time with you. It was her who did that to you so don't pin it on me. She's the one who made that decision to do that to you not me. It's not my fault"

I hear her sigh, causing me to look up to see her looking at me guiltily. "You're right I'm sorry, but it was easier to hate you then someone who I classify as my best friend. Once again I'm sorry" I nod to show I understand.

Suddenly Lauren bursts throw the door all sweaty, and a panicked expression. "We need to leave... Now!"

Ik I said I'll realise this yesterday but some things came up so you can have it at 9 am my time 😁😁😁😁😁. But anyway I love you kittens sorry for mistakessss xxxxxx

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