chapter 7

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I slowly open my eyes to see a concrete floor. Huh? Why am I not in my bed, like that's what normally what happens when I wake up after they either knock me the fuck out. Actually where the hell are they, the creeps normally watch me sleep and wait for me to wake up. What's the difference about today?

Cautiously I stand up and hear shackles moving behind me. That's when I notice the cold metallic feeling on my wrists and ankles. I put my head down and I see the restraints on my ankles, so I turn around and let my eyes follow the chains. Only to notice they are attached to the wall, there is also another set of chains, they were just higher up. With out even looking I already know that they are related to the cold feeling on my wrists.

"Seriously what the actual fuck guys! Get your sorry asses down here and explain right now! Or I'll kill you both, I'm not joking around! Ugh!!!!!!!" I shout as loud as I can hoping that they can hear me, cause this right here is absolute bullshit.    

I look around the room as I hear stomping around, and what I notice is probably not the best thing. I say that like I'm unsure about that fact but oh, I'm sure this is not the ideal situation to be in. I'm in a fucking dungeon, and there are claw marks everywhere. I WANT OUT.

Lauren comes zooming in like the flash and hugs me tightly. This.... This is new and I have no clue how I am meant to react. Just as I go to speak up I hear a sniffle and something wet hit my neck.

Is she crying? Why? What? Yes I saw her cry for a short time yesterday, but she has never embraced me then hugged me at the same time. What is happening? Isn't she meant to be the cold hearted killer? I don't know anymore with the girls.

"I'm so sorry y/n, I-I almost killed you." I stand there shocked. Not everyday I get put into shock but this is just confusing, I don't know what to do. "um.... don't cry... It's ok i forgive you... please calm down." I say awkwardly while rubbing her back.

She steps back and wipes her eyes and smiles slightly. "thanks, I guess I have to explain why your all chained up" I nod quickly "yes that would be great, cause its not like I'm used to waking up in a fucking dungeon" I raise my voice slightly. Seriously what are they doing and where the living hell is Camila. Something bad happens every time I'm left alone with Lauren.   

"Ok well your in a dungeon as you know your a hybrid now, and well your possible one of the strongest things alive along with me and Wolfy. See hybrids haven't been around for millions of years, so you my dear is the first in that long. Back to the point to why your here in this room, is because we need to tame your hybrid side. You need to submit to your alpha and to your queen. This is only because we don't want you losing control when you go all crazed on us. Your instinct will be to follow the rules of your alpha and queen, it isn't that hard, well that's a lie. We will need to trigger your inner hybrid and show you, your not in control we are."

I nod slowly taking up all the information that I have been given. Just when I was thinking life couldn't get any worse then this, it does.

Hey I know this is short its ment to be but the same next chapter will be way longer. You will learn some history of the to leaders. Well bye kittens I love u xxxx

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