Chapter 28

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"What? Why?" I question her quickly slightly panicking since she never acts like this. That means something really must be wrong.

"Because of your actions, when u was able to make me the leader of this region again. The angles you killed new you was coming, and managed to contact the council. Now they are here and after all of us." She takes a breath "so we need to leave right now!" She yells at me.

My eyes divert to Normani who waves a goodbye, then vanishes into fin air. I'm guessing when went back to hell, where I'm hoping Tori and Ally went so they can't be found.

Lauren and I climb out the bunker as soon as we can; we walk further into the forest to find Camila scanning around the area cautiously, trying to see if any angles are to appear. I smile slightly at how cute she looks when she's so serious. I managed to step on a twig causing it to snap, and her head to snap in our direction.

She places a hand on her heart and sighs. "You scared the absolute shit out of me!" She growls causing me to laugh, then Lauren to hit my arm. "Quiet both of you. We are literally being hunted and you too are being extremely loud"

Just as she says that an arrow shoots past her face. My eyes widen as we all start running away from the area it was shot from.

I look behind me to see Lauren close behind me, them Camila lagging behind. I come to a stop waiting for them to both run past me, to then swoop Camila up into my arms, and start running again.

"Y/n there are hundreds of angels behind us do not slow down no matter what!" She shouts. As if on cue more appear I'm front of us.

Arrows fire everywhere as we run as fast as we possibly can. Angles with swords made of lightning, swoop down from the skies trying to slice us, only for us to dodge them as well. They may have the strength on their side; it counts for nothing if they can't hit their target. That's where we have an advantage, we are faster then they will ever be. Even if they move as fast as they can they still won't be able to catch us.I

My eyes divert to the side of me to see Lauren running full speed with a panicked expression on her face that I've never seen her have before this moment. I really did fuck up didn't I. Next my eyes divert down to see Camila in my arms, causing me to sigh. She isn't as fast as me and Lauren so I had picked her up in my arms and ran. I wasn't going to leave her by herself at risk at being caught. It slows me down but all it does is out me at the same speed as Lauren.

"Y/n look out!" Camila shouts as she points to something behind me. I try to speed up; instead an arrow goes straight into my right leg. The electrical arrow head shoots electricity up my leg to buckle in. In a panic I shout to Lauren, and she stops to look at me. I throw Camila to her after muttering a sorry.

Lauren catches her in a swift movement and stays there starring "run! Now!" I scream as another arrow is shot into me this time in my back paralyzing me.

I see them hesitantly run away soon enough they was out of my sight. "We will come back for you we promise" Lauren states "don't it's too dangerous" I reply sternly.

My body gets flipped around to see one of the angels standing above me leaning down. "Lights out"

They plunge their hand into my chest causing my screams to echo all around the forest. Slowly they pull my heart out trying to make it as painful as they can.

My screams get louder and louder from the agonising pain when they twist their hand just before yanking out my heart.

Everything goes black...

Camila's pov:

I look over Lauren's shoulder to see no one else following us. We're safe as of right now... But I can't say the same for our mate.

Lauren places me down shakily making me furrow my eyebrows. My eyes lock with her's to see that the girl is crying silently. I slowly wrap my arms around her, and rub her back.

"It will be okay.. she's strong. She's stronger then the both of us.. she will get out of it.. she's good at doing that." I chuckles to myself trying to lighten up the mood, yet it didn't work.

I sigh into her shoulder and contiue to rub her back. "Come on Lo, stop crying your meant to be the strong one not me. Remember.. I'm the cry baby" "I have such a bad feeling about this Ca-"

Abruptly she gets cut off by screams piercing the air around us. We both stand still and quiet, looking around us slowly.

I jump as the scream comes back this time louder, then again louder. Now it's my time to cry, it sounds like she's getting tortured. We shouldn't of left her like that. We should have fought to get her back but instead we ran.

A sharp pain surrounds my heart causing me to fall to the floor, clutching my chest. I whimper loudly and look up to see the green eyed girl leaning against the try holding her chest aswell.

What is happening...

Another update. So do u want me to switch between Lauren's and Camila's pov or just stick with camz or Lauren. It's up to you guys to decide. Sorry for mistakes and I love you kittens xxx

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