chapter 24

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First of thank you to everyone who has been patient with me. I'm gonna try to get back into my schedule. Keep in mind the key word is try. I'm so bad at routines as you can most likely tell.

I smile at the two girls hugging eachother like they are seeing who would die of suffocation first. Wait is it too soon to be jocking about death, when Ally has literally just risen from the dead.

Nah it should be fine. They are all going to be happy now that she is back. I wish I knew her before so I could share the same relief Tori and Camila are feeling, as well as Lauren when she gets here. Yet I am here to stand by the side lines and watch them share a bond I will never experience.

I'm happy for them either way they got there friend back. A friend they have seen for hundreds of years. I wonder what it must feel like to have that happen, to lose someone then they mysterious come back from the dead. Only in this world you would see something like this.

Bold= Lauren's talking through telekinesis. Italics= Camila talking. Both= y/n talking

"Hey y/n/n I found out where they're running everything. They're in the Buckingham palace. Not a bad place to choose if you ask me. High security, cameras everywhere, angels roaming the halls and the royal family often stay there. If we are going to do this right, we have to plan this out strategically." She says calmly and in a extremely serious matter. Though when she started talking it scared the absolute shit out of me. I forgot that our minds are connected and this could happen it's annoying as fuck. They have yet to tell me how to block them out my thoughts. Them nosey fucking whores.

"Hey! We're not whores" "when it comes to reading my mind you guys are. By the way Ally's back, Tori brought her back to life. You might want to come down to see her" "on my way." And just like that I can no longer hear her voice ringing through my head.

I use my speed to rush out the bunker and along the streets of London. I'm pretty sure my shoulder hit someone and caused them to go flying, but oh well I have no time to focuse on that side of things right now. I have a palace to break into.

The wind that hits my face gets colder and colder the further I get. Why does bloody England have to be so cold, take me back to Miami. though it doesn't effect me too much seeing as my skin is way colder then this wind, and even snow for that matter. It doesn't mean I don't appreciate warm weather, as warm air has much more of a satisfactory feeling as it hits your skin, when running at this speed.

"Hey Lo is y/n with you?" the younger Latina asks with worry laced in her voice. I shake my head trying to get her voice out my head, as I focus on the Big Ben. I'm so close.

I stop infront of the palace and I smirk at the sight. Lauren wants to do things statistically, well I will show her who has the better plan. She shouldn't doubt my abilities to make up an efficient plan.

"I thought she was with you. I told her about the nexts steps for the plan, since we know where they are. Then she told m that Ally's back so I'm on my way to you now." The green eyed goddess explains to her.

There was a short silence between the two as if they was thinking, then all of a sudden I hear them both say "oh no".

And that ladies and gentlemen is my cue to hurry the fuck up, because if they get here while I'm still standing here I am truly fucked. I would like to stay this level of dead. I don't want to be deceased forever. Well that won't happen, but they can keep me in a coma for crying out loud.

Why am I still standing here! What the actual fuck.

I slam myself into the wall of the building, shattering the bricks in my path. Now that's how you make an entrance.

I speed through the halls, as the alarms go mad. Ok I did not think about this. I may be in quite a lot of trouble right now. I forgot about the alarms. I didn't think this through. Oh well YOLO.

All of a sudden I get sent flying backwards. I manage to land on my feet and two angels are standing there. Bring. It. On.

I charge towards them, pushing my claws out my fingernails, as I growl lowly. I feel my eyes glow brighter them more my rage builds up.

Once I'm in line with the two heavenly beings, I swing my arms out, causing my claws to slice through there stomach. I turn around quickly, as they fall to the floor, clutching their stomachs.

I slowly make my way back to them, and slit there throats. "Oops" I mumble to myself.

Straight away I run to the throne room, and there stands a man a staring straight back at me.

His stern stare slowly turns into a scared look. "You're a hybrid" I smirk noticing him picking up on my scent.

"Oh I'm not just any hybrid. My mates are Lauren Jauregui and Camila Cabello, and you my good sir have messed with the wrong vampire. Now you have to deal with her crazy hybrid mate."

Hey once again I know it takes been a while but prepare for more frequent updates. Hopefully. But I hope u enjoyed this shitty chapter. I love you kittens byeeee xxxx

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