chapter 26

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The two girls run away into the distance before I could even get a single word out.

I look around to see everyone gone and Lauren and Camila have the same look as me on there face. "What just happened" I say confused and they slowly shrug. "I don't know Luna but I know we will get answers all soon enough" I nod slightly and walk towards the two of them.

What if I don't want to find out... Yes things confused the absolute fuck out of me; it's one of those things I would rather sweep under the carpet, so I could pretend it never happened. Frankly the answer to what just happened scared the shit out of me. This whole situation is confusing, and caused me to have so many questions I don't want the answer to. I would rather carry on with my life trying to help Lauren complete her goal then live life a happily as I can.

I smile slightly at my lovers, in return I got a goofy smile off of Camila and a frown from the other. I smile more trying to get her to actually smile back, instead it got worse. Ok. This is the part I get shouted at and made feel like shit, or made unconscious until she decided to wake my ass up.

"Back to the bunker now." Her firm voice echoes through the air. I nod slightly as I rush off to the bunker as fast as I can so don't test her patients even more. It was enough disobeying her so I don't feel like making it worse for myself.

"Your so fucked y/n, Lolo is going to kill you. I have to listen to her rant in my same ear. Though you did do a good job today even if she doesn't agree. She's just salty your idea was better and that it actually worked." Camila comments playfully causing me to chuckle as I enter the bunker.

"Bitches I'm back" I turn to face Ally and Tori who was making out on the couch. I cringe to myself as I divert my eyes and cough multiple times to get their attention, but it didn't work. "Guys!" I shout just to get them to stop. Like I don't want to watch my best friend make out with someone. Gross. Though I dont care if she had to watch me do it because I don't exactly have to watch it, since my eyes are closed when I do it.

I hear a groan coming from one of them causing me to turn my head towards them. They both stare at me annoyed then Tori speaks up. "You know there are multiple rooms you can go to. I haven't seen my wife in years so I'm sorry I'm using this time to catch up on missing time. My focus isn't always on you, you know. I spent years paying full attention on you for years seriously. Let me spend some quality time with my wife." She sternly says.

I walk out of the room letting my feet scrape against the floor, while I hang my head down low. That was the first time she has ever talked like that to me before; I don't like it one bit. It feels like when your a child and your parents are shouting at you for something you did wrong. All you feel is shame and embarrassment coursing through your body.

My question is why is it effecting me so much. It's not like she did shout at me. I'm just being over dramatic yeah that's it. I'm not upset that I don't have her attention. No.

I shake my head and sit down in the kitchen with my head in my hands, just as arms wrap around my waist. "I decided I won't do any thing. Camila talked me out of it. She made me see that you was doing it for me and it probably was the best thing to do. It was quick and efficient. You even managed to kill two angles. I'm proud of you" she gently places kiss on my cheek.

" Yeah thanks" I mumble quietly, perfect aware that she will be able to hear it very clearly in fact. She swings my chair around forcing me to look at her, as she scans over my face repeatedly, with concerned eyes.

Slowly she movement hair as a from my face so she can have access to my cheek. She caresses it softly while starring into my eyes. A hum leaves her lips as if she was thinking about something. I tried to tap into her thoughts but to no avail if didn't work. No surprise. She always has her thoughts shut off. I don't blame her I would want my thoughts private, where no one can hear them and intrude them without you knowing they was even listening.

"What is bothering you my queen" she whispers soothingly to me and she leans in slightly "Don't sorry about it, it's nothing seriously" she nods slightly not knowing if she should believe me or not. She goes along with it though and kisses me softly, pulling away before I could even return it. "Everything will be over soon, it will be like..." She pauses for a second.

"You woke up"

Boom another update more are coming out today so watch out for them. Sorry for mistakes I love you kittens xxxxxxxxx

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