chapter 6

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I slowly open my eyes to see Camila couched down next to me stroking my cheek. Her face was filled regret "Hey Luna, im so sorry I didn't know that Lauren was going to that... I would have stopped her"

I sigh and Lauren comes in with a smirk on her face, and stands behind Camila.

"I ch-choose Camila" I stutter. Both of their eyes widen then Camila smiles like she's just won the lottery.

On the other hand Laurens fave drops and scowls at me. "No this is bullshit! You can't choose her! Not after I made you feel so great!" "That was rape Lauren get that into your think skull! She chose me now fuck off! You have no need to be here!" The brown eyed girl growls.

I sit up and lean against the wall as the two argue between the two. I wonder if the superiors are coming to help me.  They should be it wouldn't be right they broke the contract.

Then again they don't want to be roped into the war. It wouldn't be fair for the entire human race if that happened, save one risk billions. No they better not come.

My plan in the end has rendered itself useless to me. I put myself through all that as a punishment for something that didn't even work. I wish I never left, or kissed Tori. I do love the girl she's the only one who gets me, but I feel like I used her.  At least I can say I got to see her one last time.

I hear a whimper making my eyes divert to the sound and I notice Camila in the for struggling. That's when Lauren turns to me suddenly with her eyes blood red.

Well shit. This isn't going to end well. I was about to speak up but Lauren decides to laugh like a mad man. I didn't know what to do so I chuckles along with her.

She stops and starts to walk toward me. "Oh you might of chose her but you are mine. My queen. My blood sucking vampire queen!" She hisses and jumps onto me and bite down on my neck harder then she ever has before, and I scream out in pain.

This time was different she wasn't sucking the life out of me she was pushing something through my vains.  "Stop Lauren you can't do this she didn't choose you" the wolf cries out.

Let me tell u this hurts more then the fucking bite. I can feel the burning sensation spread through my vains going through my whole body, leaving me in shock.

All of a sudden my body jolts up and I scream louder as my eyes tear up and a few tears leave my eyes.

She backs off me with wide eyes and mutters "shit" she paces back and forth. She is suddenly gets rudely interrupted by Camila punching her square in the jaw.

I would be laughing right now if it wasn't for this unbearable pain flooding through me right now. I feel the sweet engulfing my body and my eyes start to burn.

"Camila its not the time. She's going to die! You need to scratch her and drink some of the poision out of her." Lauren starts to break down. Woah the all mighty queen is crying. Why... Wouldn't it be better for her if I was dead.

Camila rushes to me and and wipes the sweat of my forehead and gets her claws out and scratches down my stomach.

Next she gets her canine teeth out and sinks them into the same place Lauren did, but because her teeth ate bigger then a vampires so she pierces more of my flesh. I cry loudly and I feel some of the liquid being sucked out of my body.

Camila backs away and coughs up a dark red that's almost black liquid. "That was fucking disgusting" she wipes her mouth and looks at me.

"Your going to turn into a hybrid baby. I'm so sorry. Lauren will have to stay now. Please learn to love us soon" she kisses my head as my eyelids start to get heavy.

"Sleep well my queen, you won't feel a thing" Lauren kissed my cheek, then my eyes close and I fall into a deep sleep.

Hey kittens Imma back. I don't have much to say now sooooo bye I love u kittens xxxxcc

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