chapter 16

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"I'm leaving now, you better not try any shit while I'm gone, or there will be serious consequences!" Camila shouts from the front door as she slams it shut, making the house shake slightly. I stare at the massive whole in the wall, that is still yet to be repaired. Maybe I shout I should call Tori and see if she could use her powers to fix that. Its starting to cause a little bit of a draft, okay I'm under exaggerating its causing a huge draft.

Now that I think about it maybe calling Tori wouldn't be such a bad idea, I have a lot of time before Camila comes back, it's going to be lonely night if I'm all by myself like some sort of loner.... well that actually describes me pretty well... okay... this is now awkward for myself well done y/n.

I need to stop getting lost in my thoughts I have a friend to call up. I pull out my phone, which I managed to sneak out of Laurens room. I actually feel bad about sneaking into her room while she's practically half dead.

I press onto the contact saying 'my heart' because she was the only person that had made it into my heart, but now I'm not sure. I'm not sure what is going on inside my head anymore, Them two girls have completely fucked with my head. I don't like it. god I need to stop getting distracted over nothing.

I call her up and she answers within the first ring, I smile to myself knowing that if I ever need her she will always answer,  she has never failed to answer my call or texts.

"Hey y/n/n! whatcha need!" she says excitedly and giggles to herself, making me smile even more, just from the sound of her voice. "Hey do you think you can come down, I'm going to be alone for a long time so I want my bestie here with me. Is that ok?" I ask cautiously, as I don't want to intrude if she is busy.

"Of course, I would never pass up the opportunity to hang out with you. Is it okay if I bring someone round with me? I don't want to be rude and leave them just like that." I scratch the back of my neck unsure on what I should do. Well if they are with Tori they must be a good person. "Um sure go ahead, I don't mine. More the merrier right?" 

"That's the spirit. I know you're not a big fan of people you do not know, but this will be good for you.  You will love her!" she shouts the last part and hangs up and I stare at my phone confused. 

Okay then that's odd she always says goodbye or see you later before she would hang up. Oh well. I shrug my shoulders and walk upstairs into Camila's room and I gently take Lauren's beating heart out of the box. I sigh shakily and purse my lips together as I look at it. "ok now I need to give this back to you" I mutter to myself.

I turn around to only jump backwards once I see Tori standing next to a dark skinned girl with long black hair. "Holy shit a warning next time shit!" I glare at Tori as I walk down the stairs. "she's going to flip once she knows Laurens awake, you do know that right?" Tori says behind me.

I furrow my eyebrows, as she finishes her sentence. how did she know about the whole situation. I never told her. "how did yo-" "come on, I know everything that happens to the people in my life, especially you. I'm always focusing on you. You're always my main focus, my priority" she says looking directly into my eyes. I smile at her but I frown as I hear the other girl scoff.

"I didn't catch your name" I growl lowly as I'm honestly not liking her after that response. Tori gives me a warning look so I roll my eyes in response. "I'm Normani. You might of heard of me. Your great friend of yours created me" she flips her hair sassily "yeah. I have. Your just some tool for her" I snap at her.

I continue to walk down the stairs and into the basement "y/n! don't talk to her like that! And I hope you know Camila knows your plans she's planning to catch you red handed." I freeze then I rush to Lauren's body "then I better hurry up"

I shove Lauren's heart back into her chest and she gasps for air. "oh my god" she says breathlessly. "you're too late Camila" I say as I turn around to face her.


hey kittens ill be updating Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. I love you byeeee xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

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